
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A brief introduction.....

I am Ohiofarmgirl. I live on a small kinda-organic farm in the Midwest. Married to The Big Man, we have a busy little barnyard and 15 acres of fun. We don’t farm for profit – we farm for us in the most self-sufficient, sustainable way we can. Are we eco-nuts or survivalists? Nope, just regular folks who wanted to do something other than have a work-a-day life.

Why do we do this? Why the hell not? Farming is a great way of life – but not always a great way to make a living. We want to do this now while we still have the time and energy for the long days, the hard work, and having the weather and the seasons as our only boss. We gave up a lot of must have’s to live like this but we don’t regret it. Maybe one day we’ll go back to civilization but for now, we are enjoying every minute.

I love these question games so here is a little about me. Besides, what are you gonna do? Work? Ha!

Read on:

1. Name? Ohiofarmgirl or OFG or ohio.. whatever just dont call me late for dinner especially if we are having bacon
2. Gender? Female
3. What is your favorite color? Blue
4. How much do you weigh? Normal - changes a little and depends on summer or winter....
5. How tall are you? Short
6. Can you swim? Yep, like a fish. Open ocean please.
7. What's on your mouse pad? Don’t have one. My laptop is in my 'command center' in the kitchen... so I guess it’s the kitchen counter???

And so it starts....

It came upon me like a whisper I just barely heard... "go thee forth and dwell in The Good Land".. and then it was gone. Or maybe it was Toby Keith singing "I'm a hay seed and a plow boy, a farm kid and a cowboy..." I'm not sure but either way, instantly I was transported out of my urban dwelling into rolling fields of hay and corn stretching as far as the eye can see. I could smell the good earth, feel the sun on my face, see the richness of the land. Suddenly the vision shimmered and shook and was gone. I returned to my Big Life.

But I couldn't shake the feeling that I should not be there in the city and I needed to go into the country.

Eventually I heeded the message and took up my tents and made my exodus from the land of Moab and went forth into The Good Land.

Gone were the annoying neighbors, the traffic, my cushy extremely good paying job, the vacations others only dreamed about, and much to my dismay the luxury-grocery-store-just-two-blocks-away-but-that-was-still-too-far-to-walk.....

Here in The Good Land I made my place beside the still waters. I became a tiller of the soil, a keeper of the flocks, and a hater of pigs.

Here is what I learned:

1. Hard work is hard. Cold is really, seriously cold. And you just might fall over in the heat.
2. No one cares what your profit margins used to be if you can't schlep that 50 pound feed bag out into your truck yourself.
3. You can't get good Thai food in an Amish town.

and most importantly... That my life will never be better than it is right now.

Welcome to my blog. I have to keep track of all this ridiculousness somehow and so here it its.