
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Farm Buzz...and more on dirt

Its the bees! And the bees knees if you look close enough...

Today we went to two counties over to get some bee supplies for our hive. We got our first hive last year and they are doing great. We've all heard about the bee die-off and all the suspected reasons we were very relieved when we checked our bees and they were booming.

We'll get some honey this year...but we really want the hive to build up its strength before we do any serious harvesting. We'll also plant a lot of flowering plants and trees where we put the hive. The hive is down by the pond, which is an easy water source for them. These things, no pesticide use, feeding with sugar syrup, and a sheltered location are all you really need. And you have to be really brave - I'm NOT the lovely assistant to The Big Man. Me and the dogs hide in the house while he suits up to go work on the bees. I have my limits.

Now about this soil improvement stuff...

When we got to this property we foolishly assumed that the soil was good because the surrounding farms all looked like they were really producing. But then we found out our soil is the crappiest, red, hard clay imaginable. So we started an aggressive campaign to improve it.

Storey's Country Skills Encyclopedia, Mother Earth News, and Small Farmer's Journal were great references to help us figure out what to do about our bad soil. Basically we need to break up the clay by adding tilth...that is, we needed to add a lot of organic material to allow the plants to develop deep root systems and allow those roots to take up the available nutrition. The first year was a disaster, the second year (last year) was better, and this year as we tilled up our winter cover crop of wheat the soil was... heavenly. We had gotten past dirt and moved squarely into soil. Soil is different then dirt. Dirt is just dirt. Soil is a living thing full of microbes and live and all kinds of good stuff.

Last year in the upper garden we planted potatoes which are a good starter crop for clay soil. They root well in clay and we use an easy-peasy method of planting that requires a lot of straw. When we harvested them we achieved two objectives - first such a dig-able crop made us turn the soil deeply. And then we left the straw to compost down which covered the dirt. The key tho was that we over seeded (just sprinkled on top of the straw) the area with winter wheat in the fall. The winter wheat is able to germinate at cool temperatures, go dormant when its really cold, then springs up as soon as there is a hint of warmth. After it grew out a bit, and about a month before we are going to plant, we mowed it down, tilled it up on a hot day...and now.. baby.. its actual soil not just clay.

Tilling (or weeding) on a hot day exposes the roots and such so they wilt in the sun and die and not re-sprout. Now all the dead 'green manure' can compost down into the dirt.  This will provide space between the tightly packed grains of soil that make up clay as well as provide nutrients for the new plants. Then we added the lime which further breaks up the dirt particles. I hoed it lightly just to mix it up, then it rained like the dickens last nite and now we are ready for planting in a couple of weeks.  I'll plant beans which are also easily rooted, easy to grow, and will "fix" nitrogen from the air into the soil. Next summer my tomatoes will be legendary.

Soil management is kind of demanding. Sure you can just go get a bunch of topsoil somewhere, or you can use chemicals, but with all the critters around here we didn't want to introduce any new pests or toxic substances. So we are 'old schoolin' it by adding as much organic material as all these critters can create. We tend to over straw the coops and pens so we have a lot of almost-composted-nitrogen-rich organic material.

To this we add a lot of leaves in the fall (the mold from maples is especially helpful for soil improvement) and just about anything else we can come up with. Tradition says to give it a year before its real compost... but we kinda fudge on that. Many times you can just make a lazy compost pile along the side or near the garden or over an area where you'd like to plant the following year. Maybe we'll do a post on compost.. humm.

Anyway. It will probably take a couple of years to get the garden really booming so everything we are doing, from deciding how much we will till the soil, to what we add to it, what we plant, and crop rotation is really important. At some point we will get the soil tested as we'll have to make adjustments. But for us this is working really well and honestly they would just tell us what chemicals to add.

We are really happy with the progress so far. We stood in the middle of the upper garden with the improved soil on one side, and the one small patch that we couldn't improve on the other and it was like looking at different planets. On one side the soil was light and fluffy and a light brown color (still not the desirable dark dark black) and the unimproved side was hard, red, and unyielding. We'll keep up our efforts until we get it right. Until then its me the garden trolley full of poop and a pitchfork...that's old school for you.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Bees too!? You two are amazing.

    Now you can bake along with all of my crazy honey sweetened baking experiments, lol!

  2. Hi Mimi! Nah.. not amazing.. there is actually a logical progressing once you get this farm thing rolling. But I'm the biggest bee chicken there is... I stand up on the deck with my can of Raid and yell encouraging things to the hubby like, "Run for the pond if they come for you! DON'T run this way!"

    I can't wait to cook with the honey! I'm really looking for a honey cake so I'll be keeping an eye on your progress.

  3. Hi OFG,

    Sounds like everything is coming together on your farm. Once when I was a first time gardener, I asked a seasoned gardener how to take care of the dirt in my garden, she said, "First, you have to call it soil". ;o)

    I would love to have bees! Maybe next year...

  4. Well, we are working goat poo and straw into our garden this year hoping that it will increase our pitifully poor yield from last season. Can one add too much lime?

    Have you ever thought of Mason bees? I was thinking that might be something we may try. I'm hoping to plant apple trees this year, and hopefully several years from now I may have an apple or two.

  5. Yep get those fruit trees in as soon as possible! They can be growing right along while you work on other things. Yep on the mason bees too.. but we figured the honey bees would either work or not... and considering the extra benefit of honey.. so thats why we went that way. And because the hubby was interested enough to work with them. Not me. I would have gone with the mason bees since I'm a bee chicken.

    I think you can add too much lime... but if your soil is bad you probably won't the first year.

    A word on fresh goat poop.. you might want to side dress the garden.. that is, put it on top of the soil NEXT to the plants... rather than mix it in. You can do this for a couple reasons, one is that you'll get weeds sprouting up from fresh manure and also because too much fresh poo can burn the roots of the plants. If you put fresh clean straw on top of the litter you'll keep your boots clean too.

    I don't think you are into your planting season yet (you're so far north) so what I'd do is pile the goat poo/litter on top of the garden until you get close to planting, rake most of it off to the sides, add peat moss + compost (can you get mushroom compost?) and till it all together.

    Check craigslist also - sometimes you can find someone who is cleaning out their stables (who has a loader) and the will fill your truck up for free. If its really composted down you can mix right in, if not you can let it sit where you want to plant next year. Also - let your hens at it..they'll scratch it in and pick out the bugs.

    You're gonna do great!

  6. We had six hives of honey bees (Italians) and lost them all in the span of two weeks :( Same thing happened to two other bee keepers within 1 mile of us. I miss them terribly - especially the honey! We plan to start again with them - hopefully next spring. Enjoy that honey! Nothing like it.

  7. B2B - oh no! One of my buddy's just told me he lost his bees in our recent cold snap. We think we were really lucky. Right now they are one of the most valuable things on the farm. We will be treating them like princesses.

    Sally - you know you're a "real" gardener when you run at the robins waving your hoe and yelling "Hey you stupid birds! get away from my worms!!!" Its so bad that the hard workin' farm dogs know to run at the birds (not the poultry!) and bark at them. Doggie see...doggie doo... or do. Or something like that!
