
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

THANKS Mimi!! And here's some cuteness for ya!

Wow what a day! Mimi over at Delectable Tidbits gave me a Beautiful Blogger award! Honestly I might even be speechless. Golly, Mimi, THANKS!  I love the concept of this award so I'll work on "paying it forward"..stay tuned.

But for now here is some cuteness - can you stand it?

Mini pop vs the Cougar:

Actually this is our Nicholas, and to be fair he's our 17 pounder... but look how little that mini-skip poppin' goatie is! Luckily Nicholas doens't know she is a food source...there was just a lot of sniffing going on.   Maybe we should name her "One Bite" because that's all she would be. Of the two min-mancha babies this one is more La Mancha with her more delicate frame, subdued personality, and small elf ears. And look at the white cap on her head!

And a cute close up... I am not in love with her, I am not in love with her, I am... not.. umm... do you see that sweet little face?? Awwhhh....

Just for kicks - the geese are slayin' me lately. Junior is in front charging down the hill to show me he is boss. Easy, pal.... I'm bigger than you and I have defeated your old man (OD right behind).

And last... this is why I farm... look at these beauties. The Big Man made these a couple days ago, yep fruit of last year's pig harvest.  A plate of these bad boys made it all worth it... Is that heaven on a plate or WHAT?

Happy Tuesday! Is everyone gardening tomorrow? Yay!


  1. You deserve it.

    OMG, the little hairdo on that goat is a crack up!

  2. Hmmm, Either you have carpet in part of the barn or I would swear that you had a goat in your house...Oh well, I'm sure the cats will treat her with "casual disdain" because she seems to have stolen a piece of your heart.

  3. I agree, you do deserve it! I check on this blog everyday so I won't miss a thing!

    Those ribs look fantastic!

  4. Thanks everyone! Really!

    Chai Chai - I think this is one of the signs of the apocalypse yes there was a goat in my house! For heavens sakes I'm just one step away from putting nappies on the ducks and letting them up on the couch to watch Dancing With The Stars with me!

  5. Oh, I do love a baby goat! Too sweet :-) I'd be wanting to take that little baby everywhere.
