
Monday, September 27, 2010

A LOT of pears

We have a LOT of pears....

like.. an incredible amount of pears....

an amazing amount of pears...

our poor tree....

if you're wondering what I'm doing today... I'm working on pears.. lots and lots of pears...


  1. Hi Girl, your farm looks like mine. Ok, let me have some pears and I promise to send you some durian - how about it?

  2. DEAL! but are they really that stinky? The durian that is.. not the pears

  3. LOL! That is a lot of pears on that little ole tree! My two young peach trees were like that this year, so I thinned them out........then the squirells got them all but one! That one lonely little peach sure was tasty though.....So are you just canning pears for eating then?

  4. Wow, your tree is loaded. Our favorite is ginger pear good.:)

  5. hi GW! Yep we are going to can some but I also like "pearsauce" - the pear equivalent to applesauce. I made it the same way - baked in a slow oven. just delish!

  6. Mmmm, I'll bet that is good stuff! I'm not much on pears cuz I don't care for the grainy texture, but pearsauce might be good! I like the taste, just not the texture. The Youngun and The Paintiff love pears though!

  7. I bet they'll dehydrate nicely if you have a dehydrator. Pear chips sound yummy.
