
Monday, March 7, 2011

Bobbie Cat, Barn cat

Our girl, Bobbie - barn cat extraordinaire.

Bob is very shy so we don't get many pix of her.... here she is looking very regal on the truck.  We saw here once here when we brought home a truck full of hay.

Bobbie says "Happy Monday!"


  1. What a great photo! I just loved my barn cats at the farm. I had one "Miss Silver" who used to watch me inside the house through the windows. She would actually follow me from window to window and even climb the one tree to talk to me through the window upstairs. My one cat "Miss Banana" is from her litter.

  2. Hello Bobbie! You look very regal today. I wish I had a good ole' barn cat! All we have around here are good-for-nothing strays.

  3. Happy Monday and may it be the best day ever.:) I think Bob is giving you the stink eye.

  4. G'morning robin! Dontcha just love a regal cat? Our big cat, Moose, follows us around thru the windows. Its pretty funny. And I think Miss Banana is the best cat name I've ever seen.

    Hi Autumn! Maybe you can convince some of those strays to help themselves to some slow moving field mice?

  5. Writing this before going to bed - about midnight in the Far East.

    Happy morning to you pal, hope your Monday and the week ahead will be a happy and productive one.

    You have captured Bobbie at the precise moment to get that look!

    I like the truck too, from what I can see.

  6. She is beautiful and very huge. Great pic. B

  7. If she knew how "someone" drives that truck she would be more careful where she rests.

  8. Hi Mr. H! It WAS the best monday ever! And yes... all these cats are givin' me the business. If you could see Nicholas right now, you'd just laugh. I get no respect from this crew.

    Thanks Grandpa, I'm hoping for a productive week also. We are off to a good start.

    Hi Buttons! We love our barncats for sure.

    You would think, CC, wouldn't you? But there is a reason we call her "Danger Bob"

  9. OOPs - Bobbie Jean? Maybe Bobby Joe? Don't tell him where I live...

  10. Argh, disregard my last as I misunderstood what you meant!

  11. ha ha CC! Bob/Bobbie got her name b/c we were entirely out of cat names. we'd just scooped up all the cats we could catch and were naming them as we were checking them in with the vet. Bob was the last and we didnt have any ideas - we didnt even know if she was male/female so we just said "Bob Cat" or "Bobbie Cat" if she's a she. And she was! We love her tho - she and Shine are the best of pals.
