
Friday, April 15, 2011

Cheese notes, Bloom buzz, and Farm Friends!

Happy Friday everyone! Tons to take note of so lets launch right into it. New friends, this blog is also my record keeping so this is what's going on down on the farm. The biggest news... the asparagus is up.

That's right. Asparagus. Its here. You know who you are.... I got it. You don't. I'm having it for breakfast.

Cheese Notes:
Tuesday the 12th was an epic cheese making day! Unfortunately I sustained a CRI (Cheese Related Injury) so I'm delayed in getting this in the Cheese Notes. And, apologies, but due to the CRI I can't type enough to go into detail. I'll have another entry just about the events of that day because of its cheese-r-ificness. With pix!
* Started a Roquefort! I got to play with mold - the bacteria. It was amazing. Status: Needs to dry thru Friday then I remove them from the molds - the plastic containers. I'm not sure what happens next but I'm very excited about it.
* Started a Parmesan. It was weird and despite the ridiculous amount of milk - not a huge yield. Status: its brining away happily. Friday I remove it from the brine and start the drying process.
* Continued the fresh neufchatel. One of my fav cheeses for sure and inspired by my far-away-pal, Ken in France. Its sitting happily in a non-heart-shaped mold in the fridge and I'm waiting for it to grow a fuzzy rind. Isn't that cool? I can't wait. Rot, cheese rot! Grow that mold! Whooot!
* It was a feta fete! Wow what a great result! Started a feta and it totally worked. Despite my crass "mold" (coffee can with nail holes. I'm not kidding.) it turned out great. Currently brining on the counter for 3 days then it can age for a good long time in the fridge or be the star of my home made pizza. 
* Worked to right my goudas. They dried beautifully. And prompty started a mold - the gross kind. So I wiped them down with vinegar and cut off the gross part. I'm currently vexed at the 'drying mat' which is the culprit. It shall feel my wrath. And bleach. Mostly bleach. I've moved the gouda and they have to dry again before I can wax them.
* Ate a bunch of fresh chevre which I currently have laying around by the pound. I'm so happy about that!  And yes for breakfast I'm having a fresh egg scramble with asparagus and chevre. A friend who shall remain nameless will be crying over his lack of asparagus. Sorry pal, you cant win them all.

"Thrown away" peach pits become a lovely little tree

The Bloom Buzz
As part of my efforts to keep track of what is bloomin' for the beez I'll been noting what is blooming and when. Today a bunch of stuff popped open!
* First dandelion sighting
* Little apple trees along front garden
* Peach trees in hillside garden - accidentally started by throwing away peach pits!
* Big pear tree in upper garden
* Wild violets (or are they violas?)
* I think this is catmint (Walkers Low if this is what it is...)

 Is this catmint? I think it is... I love the soft little flowers. Hey cats! Get away from that!

And don't forget its Farm Friends Friday! Click along for this fun blog hop - Thanks Verde Farms!  But here is a great Farm Friend Note: We met a great family today and made some new friends. I randomly answered a "compost for sale" ad and was pleased as punch to find out a fine young man was behind this little enterprise. We met he and his dad at their lovely farm and were very glad to make their acquaintance. And it was great to meet more folks like us. They have beez, and clucks, horses, and.... cows. Of course I went gaga for their cows. And we scored a great load of poop expertly scooped. Thanks to our new friends and yay for Farm Friends Friday!

Have a great day!


  1. That's quite a cheeseboard selection you've got going. You really are the Queen of cheese :-)

    Cheese and freshly picked asparagus, I wish I was round yours for breakfast. Enjoy!

  2. April IS the cruelest month....


  3. Thanks Contadina! With my cheese and your garden, we'd have quite the antipasti! I'll set an extra plate, just in case you come this way.

    Yes, BR, yes it is...but only for some. Ha! My sympathies for you asparagus-less folks. (*runs off wildly waving a fresh spear of green goodness*)

    Thanks Java! Everything just came alive yesterday. Yay spring!

  4. Oh, your pictures reminded me of my own excitment seeing our asparagus poking out (and shooting up now!) and our peaches blooming last week! Thanks for sharing!

    Stopping by from Farm Friends Friday!

  5. Wow, when you say cheese you really mean cheese. I was thinking, perhaps we need to declare a new holiday in April...what do you think, maybe April 15 could be National Cheese Day that is celebrated by making, or in my case eating, various cheeses? Yep, I like it, we will trade in Income Tax Day for Cheese Day...Cheese And Wine...or maybe Cheese And Beer Day....hmm.:)

  6. Color me jealous - very much want 1) a dairy animal and 2) learn how to make cheese. Milk is near $5 a gallon here, so I'm waiting until I have my own source!

  7. "The Upper Gardens"...sounds like you are Ohio Royalty.

    Making those cheeses sound like a lot of fun, looking forward to reading the cheese making post and learning about the specifics of the "cheese" injury.

    I LOVE asparagus, tried to grow it here with no luck. The wildlife loved it though....

  8. OOoopss Now I see it - Kai doesn't look like a chicken at all! LOL!

    You must be in bed now, and I'm laughing all the way to the kitchen!

    I like asparagus too - grilled with a bit of butter.

    Hope that hand heals soon. Take care pal!

    Life on The Farm

  9. Certainly sounds like you've been very busy. All that cheese has me impressed; I've only done some soft cheeses.

  10. No asparagus envy here, it was one of the first things planted after we moved. Our first spears have been grilled, or eaten raw. I do have cheese envy though!

  11. Congratulations on the cheese brigade at your house. I have a fresh cheese draining now. It is only my second attempt at cheese making and I love it.

    Quick question - How many gallons of milk did you use for your cheeses?

  12. I was randomly stalking your old posts to get some gardening inspiration for my upcoming plot this summer. That catmint you have there looks like Horehound?

    Anyway, thank you for being my gardening inspiration. I make the least in my household, so I will contribute more with fresh food! :D
