
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

A peep from last spring - when we had spring and not mud mud mud and more mud

Here's hoping spring will actually get here.  Our weather guys are already warning about this upcoming week - so batten down the chickens and keep a weather eye on the sky!

And if anyone has extra Reese's peanut butter eggs in their Easter baskets? Send them my way.

Happy Easter! Happy Sunday!


  1. a sweet peep to be sure...what is coming our way? I know up here near the lake hot/cold, and lots of rain we had all week...if I had a chicken I would batten her down..the eggs..peanut butter...oh my those are good arn't they....?
    Blessings to you this day...

  2. Hello fellow Ohioan and Amun to what you said about the weather and the MUD!!!You are so funny and my favorite post to follow. I took more rock on the fence post pictures so I might bloggle about them again.

    Happy Easter
    Sorry I ate all my kids peanut butter eggs. Had to make sure they were "ok" you know

  3. Thanks Robin! We are so soggy here - I'll be gardening vicariously thru you all week!

    Hi Faith - rain rain rain and more rain. Ugh!

    Happy happy Mr. H!

    Mary - that post-with-a-rock is the best thing I've ever seen! I'm gonna be the first one in line tomorrow when all the Easter candy is on sale! Whoot!
