
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Best Farm Tool EVER and...

I just gotta show you The Best Farm Tool EVER.

It's a propane torch that can be used to kill weeds and stuff. Talk about a life saver! I would have spent hours digging and using a hoe to clear what my hubby did in less than an hour with this little gem. Yipee! Of course, I'd probably burn my house - or someone else's house - down if I tried to use it. So everyone was glad that someone sensible handled it.

In other news - I have to save the date! Tuesday the 24th I put a bunch of eggs in the incubator. I hope it works. If it does we'll be swimmin' in chickens in egg-actly 21 days. Yay!

Have a great Wednesday everyone! Get out there and work if you have sunshine. Can't you just feel that summer is about here?


  1. How about this weather...yipee!!

  2. Holy cow my Mr Farmer would love that thing. He's a fireman and loves anything fire related. They are a sick breed, Ha Ha. Where did you find that thing? He'll want to get one. Can I destroy the weeds in my garden with it?

  3. Your cup runneth over with chickens ,and good looking pigs, don't forget all the goat milk too.

  4. Wow! I'd be so afraid of the burninations I wouldn't know where to begin. But what a much better - and faster! - method than Roundup!

  5. Those propane tanks do a lot of nifty things. My husband purchased a heater attachment for our tank. I call it a butt toaster.

    Summer is definitely almost here. So excited!!!

  6. Ha! You n Cowgirl with your burners! I'm envious! How dem hawgs?

  7. So jealous!! I was just looking at one of those at the hardware store...unfortunately it needs to wait a few paychecks!!

  8. Fire that baby up around here in the last 2 weeks and you are looking at a $15,000 fine!

  9. Just wait till the varmint population learns that you have added a flame thrower to your arsenal of weapons. You already have at least one kill with the hatchet, they must be quaking in the woods.

    Next you need to work on your freeze ray gun...

    (works only in Minnesota and parts of Antarctica)
