
Friday, May 20, 2011

Milk. Brought to you by felon near you?

You know I'm not very politic-y but some things are just too stupid to let pass by. If this isn't your thing then just tune in tomorrow when we'll probably have something funny or farm-y. But Farm Pirates, read on.

Has everyone heard about, and been outraged, by the raid by the FDA on the Amish farmer? When I first heard about this and I thought it was joke. Then when I saw the video of agents, guns drawn, raiding a farmer? An AMISH guy? Simply outrageous. His crime, selling and transporting raw milk to customers just across the state line. Can you believe that raw milk is now contraband that cannot be taken to other states?

Notice in the story that your government conducted nearly a year of investigation in this sting operation on the Amish guy for selling raw milk to his customers. And they sounded like they were proud of themselves! Its almost like there aren't troops still abroad, or that gas isn't $4 a gallon, or there's any kind of economic crisis at all... but we have plenty of extra tax dollars to waste on the crime of milk. Milk! What next? Are they going to outlaw raw meat?  Ban carrots that are actually grown in the ground? Tell me I can't eat eggs from my hens? For heavens sakes.

Whether you are for or against raw milk is totally up to you. But that's the point, right? It's up to you?  And if you produce any food at all you really need to take an interest in the legislation coming your way and to be aware of how its being enforced. Guns draw on the milk man! Thankfully folks are starting to protest this ridiculous situation. I don't know if its part of his bid for office or not, but I was glad to see that Rep. Ron Paul of Texas introduced a bill to end this silliness.

To be sure raw milk is not for everyone and I don't see how it could be provided for the masses. But according to this madness, if I made fresh cheese from my goats and put it in my carry on when I fly across the country to visit friends on the Left Coast...then I'm a felon. Me. Goat owner, milk drinker, cheese eater.

It's a crazy world. Someone oughta sell tickets.


  1. A goat dairy farmer by me told us to not register our goats because of big brother using that breed registry to find you and make sure you are not selling the milk. That happened to a producer in PA. Guns were drawn and they shut her down. It was on you tube I think. Just be careful

  2. Our goverment is out of control when it comes to the food in this country! They want us to eat so called food grown with poison!!

  3. The government is going crazy! Like Robin said, they approve "food" that is killing us because of genetic engineering and chemicals, but they make it illegal to sell/purchase things that are good for us! It's all about the $$$ with no concern for our health. Can they NOT understand that they are allowing the big corporations to kill us off?!?

  4. I understand why they feel the need to criminalize raw milk sales, but it makes no sense when more people are dying from eating bacteria ridden meat and veg than from raw milk.
    mmm... raw milk *homer simpson gurgly noise*

  5. It's a common thing for such farmers to be in trouble with the law around this part of the country. We buy beef from a Mennonite farmer who is dragged into court and fined fairly regularly for selling raw milk. His response, "I'm just going to keep doing what I do."

  6. My friend buys raw milk from an Amish farm, but they'll only sell it to them if it's for their sick cat ;-)

    PS, I'm feeling the pains of rural internet. We're getting daily visits from Windstream. One of these days I'll have the means (and maybe even the time) to get blogging. We're considering telling them to stuff their DSL and try satellite internet.Other than that, we are happier than we ever dreamed and waiting on those first eggs, c'mon girls.


  7. Yep, we lose more and more of our freedoms each and every day. What is going on with raw milk is a terrible thing. And yes, no doubt eggs, carrots and whatever else might pose a so called "danger" to us will be next. Ron Paul has always been for smaller government, less bureaucracy, and more freedom for the people...a true constitutionalist. I hate talking politics to...but sometimes you have to say something.:)

  8. What does you being a felon have to do with transporting cheese across the country? (Notice my lack of surprise)

    They just passed a food bill last year that severely restricts local farmers ability to sell their produce at farmers markets and roadside stands. I read an article where the EPA was going after farmers for the OIL's contained in spilled milk (no crying in Federal Court apparently) - not kidding about this one either.

    The Gov has decided that we poor humble citizens are too uneducated to make decisions for ourselves about what we want to buy and eat. I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future we have to buy a permit to eat our own home grown food - and have it inspected as well!

  9. Thanks everyone for their comments. I think I'll just globally say to all - wow we really are all in this together.

    Probably the best thing we can do is spread the word. It seems like there is going to be a clash soon - between the "Do-Righters" and the "Leave me aloners." As Mr. H rightly said, sometimes you just have to say something.

    CC - Not surprised, eh? All I'll say is the witness protection program isnt what it used to be. Ahem.

    Jeff - I can't wait to see your blog updates! I'm so glad you've got your country place.

  10. Wow OFG, I couldn't agree more! And guess what - this was MY FARMER!!!! I bought his milk and other products and it was great! I am so incensed and unhappy for him - I keep thinking we (our huge co-op) got him in trouble.

  11. My mom grew up on a dairy farm. She and her six siblings drank raw milk. And yet they re alive to tell the tale.

  12. SSF - thats YOUR guy! Wow feel free to let us know about what happens next!

    CF - I knew plenty of folks in Europe who had non-pasteurized milk as the norm, and they lived to tell the tale as well.

  13. Thought you would be interested in this:


  14. And another cause for alarm:

  15. And yet another (i'm on a roll today):

    At least folks are starting to talk about this stuff.

  16. Wow! Tracey - great stuff. Especially the Farmageddon movie. I just heard about the EO - wow that is just nuts. Thanks for posting this!

  17. Here's what's behind the EO:
