
Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday and the livin' is easy

At this writing (early Monday  morning) the sun rises on a cool and fabulous morning. The hot weather will be back before we know it - but for now its like heaven outside. And now the dogs and I are headed out for the cool of the garden.

Here are a couple of happy snaps of whats going on out there..

Do you know praying mantis? Is that what this is? A baby one?

These beautiful cone flowers are just.....

... now starting to pop.

And who doesn't love Susan, Black Eyed and all

But the beez love the bee balm the best..

who could blame them? I love them just before they get their silly "hats"

The dogs are ready for action.

And the pigz are getting big!

We are going to try and move the pigs to their new area today. If all y'all don't hear from me by late tomorrow, will someone please call the Good Neighbors and ask them to come and look for our bodies? Zoikes! This is either going to go really well... or not.

Wish us luck and Happy Monday everyone!


  1. Good morning to you! The one pig must know it's going to be hot. She's got her sun hat on already!

    The woods look great in your dogs pic. I bet all kinds of critters come out of there looking for your veggies!

  2. Soon those pretty pigs will be pretty bacon :o)

  3. That is indeed a preying mantis, wish we had some of those in our gardens...haven't seen one in a gazillian years around here. Pretty flowers, hope our bee balm ends up looking like yours. Good luck with them pigs...just threaten to rent them out if they don't behave themselves.:):)

  4. Good luck! Piggies can have a mind of their own.

  5. It definitely was a beautiful cool morning! It's getting hot out there now though!

    That is definitely a praying mantis. We have a lot of preying mantis here at the house. Every year I end up with babies, less then an inch long, in the house. I think that I should start kid napping them and take them to the plots.

    Hope all goes well with the bacon!!

  6. Ha! it looks like a walking stick to me! haha

    it could be a mantis thingy though....

    Great pics!

  7. Love those sunflowers. The dogs look so happy running in the woods, they probably enjoy acting like wolves to scare the goats!

  8. Hi VPak! The dogs do a good job of keeping the critters back. Now that they can roam around, there will be a lot fewer varmints for sure!

    Ginny - the bacon is looking good!

    Mr. H - we used to have them at the old farm. I've never seen one here until I snapped the pix. I'm so glad.

    Hi Rachel! We got them pigz... we got them good.

    Robin - I was wondering if there was a way to "farm" them?? Hee hee

  9. I miss the bee balm - the DW in her zeal for weeding pulled it all a year or so back... Love the mantis!

  10. Hi Leo! We'll call him a walking stick too - how's that?

    CC - the goats are convinced the dogs are wolves. It probably doenst help that I tell Nibbles that "those dogs love little brown goats because they are tender and delicious."

    Hi David! The bee balm has really taken off - I'm so happy, so are the beez.
