
Monday, August 15, 2011

Rotten bean row and making vanilla....and ducklings?

I think the solar flares got my wireless router because its been kinda funky. Hopefully its all fixed up. But I'm getting some quick notes in before it goes out again....

That's all there is to it - vodka and vanilla beans.

First, I'm starting a batch of home made vanilla. Vanilla - I know! How weird is that? Actually not so weird. Have you noticed how ridiculously expensive it is in the store now? So I'm taking evasive action. I found these directions here and they seem to be pretty consistent with a few other links I found. I had to make a slight alteration because the $13 I shelled out for Madagascar whole vanilla beans only bought me TWO.  So I used slightly less than 2 cups of vodka to accommodate the recommended 3 beans per 2 cups of booze. Its in a dark cupboard where it will be shaken every once in a while and will be ready in October. Until then I think I paid about $9 for my current store-bought bottle of vanilla.

Next - as for planting notes, I took all the over-ripe beans from our Horticulture Bean binge and planted them, shells and all next to the 4 new rows of fresh green beans in the square garden. If they don't sprout that's just fine, I'll just heavily mulch that row and call it a slow compost heap. I planted cylindrical beets on the other side of that raised row.

And here is a funny thing... this morning there was some mysterious peeping in the garage.... turns out my little milking helper micro duck hatched! This was quite a surprise because we got rid of our drakes a while ago.... hum...... I knew she had a nest but let her sit on what I thought we unfertilized eggs just to give her something to do (she's kind of a trouble maker)....and there you have it. There were at least 3 of the cutest little duckling ever this morning. Pix tomorrow, I'm sure.

So far its been quite a day. Hope the solar flares haven't wonked out your router like mine!

Happy Monday!


  1. That's a good idea making your own Vanilla..I paid $16. one year for some that wasn't even a pint..the next year I refused to spend that much and the price went down to $6...since I always keep an extra bottle in stock at that price...

  2. You spent waaaaaay to much for your vanilla beans. Buy them from OliveNation 7 beans for $9.95 or 16 beans for $14.95 and FREE shipping! OliveNation is also on Amazon. I buy a bunch of great foods and spices from them at Good prices. I have homemade vanilla, I used very good quality vodka and the results are excellent, cannot compare with regular grocery store brands.


  3. Oh, one more thing; 2-3 bean to 2 cups of vodka is not enough, the extract will be too weak. 4 will do a better job better, but that is personal preference. You can always add 1 or 2 more in a couple of months. I call homemade vanilla 'forever vanilla extract' because when you use up most of the extract you just add more vodka and you can do this 3 to 4 times. Hence the name 'forever vanilla extract'.


  4. Immaculate conception? Stranger in the night? Ah, the mircle of life!

  5. I wonder if ganders can breed with ducks? OD has been known to wander....I seem to remember a post from last year on this subject!

  6. Thanks for the links and how to... I wonder if anybody has tried growing Madagascar vanilla beans in North america?

  7. And I thought you were making a cocktail! Great frugal Idea!

  8. hi Ginny! I'd heard of doing it - I just didnt know it would be so darn easy. The waiting is gonna get me tho

    Shaolin - wow! Great info...wait I'm gonna add your notes to the post so everyone can see. THANKS!

    Carolyn - now I'm gonna sing "Strangers in the night....exchanging glances.... " all darn day.

    CC - DOH! that OD! dang.... grrr.. oh thats right.. he did have a fling is Miss Duck...

    Ian - I dunno.. geez. If I could grow coffee, chocolate, and vanilla here I'd be set.

  9. Dave, I'm gonna laugh all day about that!

    Vigorously muddle rotten beans in the bottom of a high ball, add ice, vanilla beans, vodka and shake - not stir. Gently float a duckling and serve immediately.


  10. We just love making infused vodka around here! A few years ago "The Italian" and I made a lot of different types. We even made Weeniecello...yep vodka infused with hotdogs! It was a surprise X-Mas gift for my son. The guys drank shots of it with hot sauce!

    Gotta make some vanilla though!

  11. Oh isn't making vanilla FUN? And don't forget you can make it with bourbon for some extra wonderfulness, too! :D I get mine from Their quality has been consistently excellent for me and I've been ordering from them for almost 8 years now.

  12. We are also making vanilla, but we followed much different instructions - from:

    That site indicates that you need to use a much higher ratio of vanilla to vodka in order to get true extract - a minimum of 6 beans to a cup. We doubled that, just because we like stronger flavors. So far, it smells divine...

  13. What a great idea! Hmmm, must get some vanilla beans...oh and the bourbon idea sounds great too!

    I just had a chick hatch out of nowhere...well, I know where but was a surprise chick... it is amazing how much a baby like that hatching can put a smile on your face!
