
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nice day for ducks

Raining here...

but its a nice day for ducks!

These little ones think this is the best day in their whole lives. I'm hoping to catch a break in the rain... but looks like I'll be working on inside chores.

Happy Wednesday! Is everyone keeping dry?


  1. They are so sweet. Hope they have a lot of fun in the rain.
    Dry and sunny here at the top of Michigan....and I'm up to my elbows in apples---making applesauce.

  2. I'm taking it easy today..The rain has helped to keep me inside..TV is getting a workout today...The ducks are really growing fast..

  3. I'm glad that somebody is loving all this rain!!

    I have been looking for Noah!! I sure hope that all this rain doesn't rot my fall broccoli and cauliflower!

  4. I think even the ducks got a little too much. The ducks were waiting at the barn door when I went out to put the chickens to bed. Even the one who NEVER comes inside is sleeping in the barn tonight. It doesn't make her want to come back when one of the young hormonal roosters wants to be the first one to get the new chick....ummm, she's not a chick, buddy ;-)My barn is like Peyton Place...

  5. Looks like perfect weather for little ducks.:)

  6. Hey Sue - I'll bet your applesauce was delish!

    I need a TV day, Ginny.. for sure.

    Hi Robin - nothing but soggy soggy soggy. Drat!

    JJJ - we have all kinds of shenanigans around here..believe me! Oh hey I owe you a note back - but congrats on your new addition!

    hey Mr. H! They think the climate change is the best thing going... ;-)

  7. Wow, they are getting soooo big! And yeah...enough of the rain please!
