
Thursday, September 1, 2011

One jar short of a full canner....

Does your kitchen look like this? I'm trying to get one more round of maters canned this morning but..... turned out I was one jar short of a full canner. I think I've heard this before about myself.. hum...

Anyway this batch of maters is a great reminder to stop at farmstands and ask if they have anything they will  make you a deal on... I got a half a box of tomatoes for just $3. All I had to do was ask.

Some folks are hesitant about asking either because they are shy or because they don't feel right doing it. Believe me, that farmer is happy to get their stuff cleared out. And the worst thing they can say is "no." The best is that you'll get a deal, make a new friend, and probably become known as someone they will call when they have more stuff.

If you're nervous - just cowboy up and give it a chance. Use this tried and true method: Pull yourself together, have your foldin' money in your hard, slap on a BIG smile, and march up to the proprietor, and say....

"Hi! Do you have anything that's too ugly or too ripe to sell?"

Or if you are a professional, you can do it OFG style, pull into their lot in a big work truck, gravel flyin, tumble out of the cab in your dirty shirt and your work boots, mosey on up to the stand, and announce boldly..

"Say Friend, whatcha got that you can make me a deal on today?"

Whatever you do, don't mumble, be demanding, or smile smile and if they say "not today" then say "Alrighty then, thank you very  much!" 

If you feel like you're "taking their money" then for heavens sakes, buy more stuff. Or put in a an order for something else and tell them you'll be back on Tuesday.

I'm telling you this works. I read an article somewhere that said NOT to try and negotiate. Are you kidding? Everything in life is negotiable. I know someone who regularly negotiates retail prices on the darnedest things. No one selling produce is going to pass up an opportunity to move their merchandise.. except maybe your big, chain grocery store and that produce guy will look at you like you've lost your mind.

But everyone else is happy to make a sale. And if they don't have anything - thats just fine. More than likely tho, the next time you roll up to their stand they'll come running out waving their arms and say "Hey! look what I've got for you today!"

Happy Thursday everyone!  So whatcha waiting for? Get out there and get yourself a deal on something to can can can!


  1. I love playing "Let's Make a Deal"! I try it on anything I can. "The Italian" is too shy to ask. Not me!!! Worse case is usually only 10% discount...but, hey it's a discount! You'd be surprised at what you can get for just asking!

  2. I think this post was meant for me!!!
    I am the BIGGEST chicken when it comes to dickering. Really. It took hubby forever just to get me to go to the farm market with him. My problem? Well-everyone sells basically the same stuff. Sue doesn't want to hurt ANYONES feelings, so I feel awful choosing one persons stuff over another. Eeesh. There's no help for me!
    But I will try your method. Really!!

  3. Yep, our stove top looks a lot like that this time of year too. Now in the grocery store a while back I saw a supposed heirloom tomato that looked half rotten for $3.50, one crappy tomato for $3.50...I just stood there and stared at it trying to comprehend its value. Good job on getting a whole box for $3 dollars.

  4. You were darn right hilarious this morning :o) Just what I needed LOL..I think your related to Cecil, he is always trying to get that "Senior Discount":o) I remember when he wasn't so bold..guess I taught him good :o)..I'm proud of your "sales pitch".

  5. We have a ton of tomato canning to to do. We've been freezing tomatoes and putting it for later. Could you pass a little bit of your tomato canning superpowers our way. We could use the boost!

  6. Amen Sister! Always negotiate and I've had plenty of "no's".

    I always seem to be 2 shy of a full canner...

  7. "Or if you are a professional, you can do it OFG style, pull into their lot in a big work truck, gravel flyin, tumble out of the cab in your dirty shirt and your work boots, mosey on up to the stand, and announce boldly..." Sounds like my kind of style, if Mom wasn't hounding me to look nice for the farmboys!

  8. Great post! Seems like we've all been one jar short at one time or another. You're right about asking for a deal. I always do.

  9. hey Robin! A shy Italian? Say it isnt so!

    Nah, Sue, you're not a chicken - you just need some practice. Get out there and give it a go. Just smile smile smile!

    Mr. H, I nearly passed out the last time I was in civilization. They had "heirloom" maters for $6.99 A POUND. I reckon I've eaten about $99 worth this week alone. For heavens sakes.

    Ginny, are you kidding? As soon as a get I few more grey hairs I'M gonna be asking for that senior discount for sure.

    Jody, I've been sending you canning vibes, have you been getting them? Are you done with your maters yet?

    Tami - hee hee two short.. hee hee hee

    Autumn, thats pretty funny! I'm not much of a fancy girl either so your style is just fine with me.

    Thanks VPak! Next year our place will be more productive so for now I'm getting all the deals I can get.
