
Friday, September 30, 2011

The Week in Pictures

Actually its more like the last couple days in pictures.....

We've had some sunny days - finally - and so I've been working outside and soaking up the last of the sunshine. The pigz are looking great!

We'll have one cold nite this weekend and maybe even a frost!  So I'll be taking up the tomatoes that are just about ripe and covering up the ones that will be happy for the warmer days next week.

And you can bet I'll be working on a lot of pears....

But at least for now the last of the dahlias will wink at the afternoon sun. 

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Mmmmm, pears. I need to get some trees planted. I LOVE pears. It will be number 1,285 on the to-do list....

  2. Them Pigz are looking good :o) I can almost smell their bacon :o)..Your going to be busy with those pears, that tree looks loaded. Don't miss a one :o)

  3. Delightful pictures! Pigz are looking really good! Bacon and eggz! Yum!!

  4. Holy smoke! Lookit those pears! and the pigz are beautiful too!

  5. You say your a hater of pigs, but I know you really love those guys... with eggs and toast! We're getting our bacon for the winter this month.

  6. Those pears look great! Any plans for them yet?
