
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ground turkey? Yes, you can!

I spent last week gaming the grocery system and scored some sweet deals. Including two frozen turkeys - a total of 38 pounds for about $9.

That's about $0.31 pound. Not as great as last years, $0.29/pound steal... but still pretty good.  What did we do with all that turkey-liciousness? Well. We didn't roast it for one meal. We used my tried and true method of parting up the turkeys and using just about every ounce to stock up our larder. Yes, we made meat balls, yes, we made stock...and yes.... we canned ground turkey.

Canning meat? What? Am I crazy? Nope. Actually its one of our best projects and I can't believe I didn't do this earlier.

You really don't want to thaw out, grind, and refreeze meat. The most reasonable solution is to cook it and then store it. Looking down the barrel of our upcoming Hog Harvest, we really won't have a square inch of freezer space to spare. So we tried canning cooked ground meat. It rocks.

The process is easy peasy. Cook it, cover with boiling water or broth, and process in your pressure canner. Then you're ready for easy and quick dinners. How great is that?

In total we 'harvested' 5 or 6 quarts of rich stock, a tub of rendered fat, 9 pints of ground meat, 5 pints of shredded meat from making stock, two bags of meatballs, and several tubs of cat food. And one roasted breast for supper one nite. For $9.  "Fast food is cheaper" my left foot! Get down to the store right now and snatch up the cheap turkeys before they get away.

How about you? Anybody else spend the weekend canning? And whats with all this rain?

Happy Tuesday everyone!


  1. We also got a good deal on turkey. It was .37 a pound. I haven't cooked it yet though. I'm planning on doing some canning today. The rain is just starting here today.

  2. Way to go! I haven't been brave enough to try canning meat yet. I guess if you do it right, it's just as safe as any other canned product. And, it doesn't have all those additives like store bought items.

  3. All the turkeys were gone by the time I got there. I bought 3 whole chickens there were Manager Special instead. I done 2 now and Have 7 quarts of stock, 4 quarts of chicken soup made with the meat. 8oz. serving of frozen meat for later. 8 oz. made chicken enchiladas last night and another 4 will make my chicken salad sandwich lunch today.

    I still have one more chicken to do. Not to mention also rendering the fact.

    Honey and I have decided to make doughnuts with the fat in your honor, lol.

  4. I put away chicken legs I got on sale to make whatever I wanted with it..I took off the skin of the legs and deboned it..put it into pint size jars and pressure canned it..and now I can make chicken salad, chicken croquettes, chicken soup, chicken and gravy :o) any other recipes :o) There was still enough fat once they were done to make them juicy :o)

  5. I'm with Veggie, I haven't gotten the nerve up to can meat yet. It will be coming soon though.
    And yes, I'm done with this rain too.

  6. My Grandma said growing up that was the way they preserved most of their meat because they didn't have a freezer!

  7. The Commander accidently bought a turkey breast this year instead of a whole bird, it was the same weight though. That meant double the amount of meat and tons of leftovers.

    Did you eat one of your own turkeys or one from the store?

  8. I WISH we had good deals on turkey....they are still $1.19 a lb, and this is turkey / chicken farm country here! The best I can get turkey for is 79 cents / lb. and you have to spend $100 at the store to get that price, not including the turkey.

  9. Good advice... a pressure canner is on the menu for spring here at our farm, and I am buying turkey for the deep freeze this weekend!

  10. I'm all about canning up meat. It's GREAT for quick meals.

  11. Boy oh boy do I have to break out the pressure canner.

  12. Hi Robin! Good luck with your canning! We had a few jars that didnt seal so we'll have turkey pot pie for supper.

    Thanks VPak, you have to do meat canning - so easy!

    Great work, Sonja, thats just the way. Buy stuff when its on sale and load up! And who could go wrong with donuts! I use the chicken fat for just about everything.

    Thats a great tip, Ginny. I think folks overlook the "cheaper" cuts of meat, but most times its more flavorful.

    Come on' SFG, you can do it! I'm always careful to listen when I open the jars to make sure the seal was secure.

    Hi Anna! And yep, when having more freezer space is a priority - or NOT having a freezer - canning is the only way to go.

    Hey CC, yep some of the commercial white turkeys are huge. One year we helped dress some of those on the same day we dressed some lambs.. the turkeys were BIGGER than the lambs! We only had store bought turks this year. I couldnt part with TurkZilla.

    Wow, Carolyn, thats crazy! We were thinking that the high feed costs and the extra hot weather that affected a bunch of farms made the prices higher. I think all meat prices are going up.

    Hi Mary Ann - you'll be so happy when you get a canner. It makes such a difference.

    You know it, GW, easy peasy.

    Hey Dave! I'm gonna pop over to see what you're working on.
