
Thursday, February 9, 2012


So much for my dream of reckless radish planting so early in the year. This is what we woke up to Wednesday.

Nuts. Drat. Dang. Curse you, White Death!

The dogs loved it. Kai did not want to come in at all and Zander thinks snow is the best thing that's ever happened to him in his whole life.  He looked at me adoringly, like I made it snow just for him.

Me and the cats hung out by the fire. There was a lot of sloth and not many goals were achieved. Accept.. you know.. sloth. The cats think the wood stove is the best thing that has every happened to them.  They look at me adoringly like I made the fire just for them.

As for me..... the weird winter/non-winter of 2012 drags on...this winter of my discontent... just as gray and bleak as my mood. (How's that for arty?)

I have high hopes for a happy Thursday and the melting of this White Doom Which Falls Just To Annoy Me. Come on spring.....

Anybody else spend yesterday by the fire? Looks like we'll get one day of reprieve then another arctic cold spell will be upon us. At least the cats will be happy.

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. We got some of that white stuff too! It looks like it will be warm here today and tomorrow and then 3 days of cold winter weather.

  2. Well, that is just the way it goes sometimes (though not here, lol). Have fun in the snow---I mean, by the fire!

  3. Snowing here as I type...I'm getting tired of the white stuff too. Here is a quote to cheer you up...apparently you should be dreaming of beets instead of radishes.:) Happy Thursday!

    "The beet is the most intense of vegetables. The radish, admittedly, is more feverish, but the fire of the radish is a cold fire, the fire of discontent, not of passion. Tomatoes are lusty enough, yet there runs through tomatoes an undercurrent of frivolity. Beets are deadly serious."

    - Tom Robbins

  4. Hi Robin! Ugh.. I think I've had enough. Those couple days outside in shorts has given me winter rage now that I'm stuck inside.

    Hi Becky! Actually.. the fire is pretty good so far.... There are cat puddles everywhere.

  5. stupid snow! it's cold here in MI and there have been warnings of snow, but nothing doing yet. so that means no early plantings for me either. :(

  6. This weather is nuts. It's a wonder we're not all sick. I spent at least part of yesterday curled up with my dog on the couch. She's the best nap partner.

    I'll be building birthing stalls and pig shelters this weekend when it's in the 20's. Brrrrrr. They say if you don't like the weather here in Ohio, just wait 15 minutes and it will change, but this is ridiculous!


  7. Our weather sounds very much like yours and our animals share similar views on it. Today was lovely, so we made the most of it before tonight the blizzards arrive again.

  8. What the devil is white stuff? We dont' get that here.

  9. Mr. H, thats the best quote I've ever heard. Beets are deadly serious.

    Soon, TW, if we can get past this weekend hopefully we'll be in the clear...

    JJJ - make sure you get everyone tucked in tonite. Tomorrow is gonna be a looloo.

    Heiko - stay warm! Has the storm blown itself out yet?

    GAH! I wish we didnt get that white stuff, Cindy.

  10. at the moment it is snowing up as it often does in the city. I like it
