
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Peach Blossoms!

Can you believe it!

Peach blossoms a the same time a daffodils? The pear tree exploded with blossoms also. We are going to have a bumper crop of fruit if these blossoms hold on for dear life and don't get a hard freeze.

 And guess what I found lurking in the asparagus bed....

... lets all hope we just go directly into full spring!

In other news... the saga of the power cord continues... today I'm waiting at the end of the drive for the mailman. This is vexing. I'm still vexed. *OFG glares at Nicholas* Very, very vexing....

Happy Thursday everyone! Is everyone else blooming too?


  1. We aren't blooming yet (thank god, or they all would have been frozen, or fallen off!). The blueberries and currants have lots of new buds though, the strawberries are growing lots of new leaves, and the hops are already 4-5" tall. Yay hops!

    Congrats on all the blooms. Hope they hang in there!

  2. Dreaming of ChickensMarch 22, 2012 at 2:09 PM

    We have about 7 figs on the fig tree. It barely has leaves and it already has figs. Everything is just confused this spring.

  3. Boy oh boy I hope it doesn't frost!
