
Friday, April 27, 2012

It's a cake. Made out of beans. I'm not kidding.

Has everyone tried Black Bean Chocolate Cake? It's a cake. Made out of beans. I'm not even kidding.

Slice o' cake, unfrosted. Don't worry - I had it with a big scoop of ice cream.

My pal, Freemotion, highlighted this spectacular use of legumes a while ago on her blog Blue Viola Farm.  You can find the recipe here. She also gives some sugar alternatives. The original recipe calls for honey but wow! There are a lot of options.

The batter looks and tastes like REAL cake batter. I know this because I licked the bowl.

I will say that I was extremely skeptical about this whole thing... beans? Sure I like beans, but for cake?

So I finally tried it...and its great! No really  - its very cake-like and delicious. The best thing about it is that it doesn't have processed flour or sugar. And you know that means - that's right?....You can totally slather on the frosting. And so I did.

I'm so intrigued by this whole bean cake thing that I'm also going to try the vanilla version. My pal "J" pointed me to this recipe. She says it tastes like french toast. How great is that?

Happy Friday everyone! What do you think - are you gonna take the black bean chocolate cake challenge?


  1. That looks yummy! I have to make a cake for this Sunday...hmmm...maybe I will give this a try!

  2. Robin, if you don't tell them they probably wont even know what its made out of. I'm totally a convert!

  3. I have tried a few black bean brownie recipes. The extra dark coco works best.

  4. When I was a kid my father had a cousin that ate pinto beans on chocolate cake. He said it was so good. If his wife made chocolate cake then she had to cook pinto beans. Never tried it myself. Just did not sound right, but your cake sure looks good.

  5. I've made them before. I think there is a difference in taste and texture but it's not a bad thing or something that would make you not want to eat it.

  6. If you take a chocolate bean cake to church will you get to sit in your own pew?

    I could not resist.....

  7. Thanks Linda - I'll give it a try!

    Steak&E - that is amazing. But that cousin was on to something - this cake is really good.

    I dunno, Tina, this is pretty cake like. Yum!

    Ah yes, CC, the old saying, i know it well... "he how toots in church sits in his own pew..."

  8. Looks great! And I'm not much one for cake. But this I would try, probably twice. :)
