
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nothing but planting

Today is nothing but planting... gotta get moving.

Yesterday these clouds followed me everywhere. Every time I went outside and started to work - the wind kicked up and it started raining. This went on all stinkin' day. I finally gave up and started working inside....and the sun came out. For heavens sakes.

Happy Planting Everyone! What's in your seed packets?


  1. My garden beds are full and I haven't even planted beans yet!

  2. Good luck! Yesterday I spent 7 hours planting and trying to get the Summer garden going.

  3. I've got 3,000 wormwood seeds sent to me to start growing some for a local absinthe distillery, but I have no clue what to do with them.

    If it doesn't baaaa, quack, or cluck, I generally have no idea what to do with it.

  4. Well, that's pretty spooky - Ma Nature got a beef with you? Potatoes and onions are in, along with the usual herb suspects. Peas going in this weekend. We're a little further behind up here.

  5. Just about all in now, tomatoes, cuchs, zuchs, winter squash, beans, onions,shallots, garlic, beets, radish, peppers, herbs, Brussels spouts, broccoli, carrots. potatoes... hmmm may have missed someting... Oh! lettuce, spinach and chard. whew!

  6. Planting this weekend. Yea! Finally!
