
Monday, May 21, 2012

Strawberries are here.....

Look what surprised me on Sunday - the strawberries are here!

They are just stunning and incredibly tasty. I got a nice little bucket of berries with more to come. But we won't have enough of our own so I'm going to the Upick place later this week.

Happy Monday everyone - aren't you loving the early harvests!


  1. Lucky you! I bought 3 sets of strawberries this year and none of them did anything! Geez, and I didn't even buy them at the same places.

  2. Gorgeous! Oh, I hope I get strawberries this year...there are zillions out in my patch, but last year the rain rotted them. HOPING! What will you do with those berries? Or did they make it into the house?

  3. My first ripe strawberry was half eaten by a bird! I guess it's time to get the netting out!

    I'm going to have to go to a Upick farm too. There won't be enough strawberries here this year.

  4. What is your secret to growing strawberries?! Mine always end up mush before the get to full size, and I live one town over from the damn strawberry festival!

  5. Couple weeks behind you, but tons of flowers.

  6. Lovely! - Jewels of nature.....

  7. thanks Becky! i'm so glad these plants worked!

    What will I do with them Free? Ha just check out today's post! And there will be jam.. oh yes...

    "Hey you birds! Get away from my berries!" ha!, Robin, I'm picking mine as fast as I can.

    Hi Kaela! My secret is... I got lucky. Honestly I did everything wrong and I can't believe it worked. I got just a few berries last year when I planted them but this year they are doing great. I planted them where I had beans previously - and I mulched them well. That's all I can think of.

    Hey Damummis! Enjoy those blooms!

    They are just beautiful, Dave, I love the colors of summer!
