
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bacon Seeds

Happy 4th of July?  You bet.... check out these little bacon seeds.....

And the meat meeting meat.....

Oh happy day!

Thanks for everyone's well wishes. We are still trying to figure out some internet/laptop problems but we are mostly back on line.

Our continued thanks and appreciation for all the work crews out there. The heat index is over 100* today and we passed several groups of trucks working to get power restored. Let's keep everyone who is suffering in our thoughts and keep smiling and waving at those hard working crews.

More on the hog strategy and these bacon makers when we are fully up and running. I'll also do a post on surviving The Big Blow of 2012.

Happy 4th everyone!


  1. Yay, you got your Tamworths. My step-dad got us two Yorkshires and I now completely understand why you hate them pigs. All they care about is food and they bite us when they think we have food. Our Old Spots and Large Blacks are nothing like that. I think all those years in confinement bred the crazy into them. Give me the Old Spots. I'm glad you came through the 10 minute hurricane alright. We did too. It's a good test of your preparedness and we found some things we definitely need to improve.

  2. Nice non-GMO seeds! Send me a packet, wouldja?

  3. Well they look pretty good. I don't want any more for a while after we butcher the next one, lol.
    Glad you survived and hope everyone's power is back on soon!

  4. Glad to hear you and yours survived and a big hearty cheer for those hardworking power crews and firefighters.

  5. Bacon seeds - looting? Survival and all...

    Great to see you back in business and safe!

  6. welcome back! Glad you survived! Still recovering up here too. Nice looking hawgs

  7. Nice bacon seeds for sure!

    Happy to hear all is well and your up and running again!

  8. Thought those were Tamworths! Great pigs - my favorite. Also glad to hear you survived and are among the connected. I hope that everyone is back to normal soon. Looking forward to your terrifying tales.
