
Monday, July 9, 2012

Hey Nibbles! Whatcha think about the heat?

Hey Nibbles! Whatcha think about the heat?

And that is what she had to say about it. 

Our record breaking heat broke today... to everyone's great relief.   Don't worry Nibbles - this week will be much better.

Happy Monday everyone! Now get out there and enjoy the cooler weather!


  1. Or she is saying..."This water must have been sitting out for at LEAST an hour, I think it tastes funny!"

  2. i think she's saying "why aren't you peeling me grapes and fanning me with palm fronds!"... which of course i always tell her... "just get out there and free range, Missy, or i'll get the dog!"

    Poor Nibbles. The suffering she endures.....

  3. Message to Nibbles: I understand what you've been going through!!! ;)
