
Wednesday, July 25, 2012



Good Ol' SwingBlade took one for the team. I'm gonna have to work on this.  I think I mighta whacked a fence post with it. Nearly knocked me silly to tell you the truth.

This is the brush blade for my trusty scythe... that notch in the blade isn't supposed to be there and no amount of sharpening with a stone is gonna get it out. This is some major fixin'.

When I first heard what I'd need to get this scythe blade all fixed up I wasn't having anything to do with it... but then I found out that "peen" is part of, or a type of, a hammer. Good thing too because I wasn't gonna be peein' on anything least of all my farm tools.

I'll get this whipped into shape. Until then we have a spectacularly cool and bright morning here. A heavenly rain fell for a couple hours yesterday and looks to be more on the way tomorrow. We might just all survive this crazy, dry summer.

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Anybody got any tips for me to beat this blade back into shape? Aside from peenin' on it?


  1. Ouch for sure! I'll bet if you peen it and use your stone on it, it will cut just fine even with the notch. Over time, the notch will disappear as you lose metal with each sharpening.

  2. ball peen hammer - it's the kind with a small ball on one side, instead of a flat hammer. good luck fixing it!

  3. I'm thinking the local small engine repairman could fix it. They sharpen lawn mower blades right.

  4. Maybe pick up a junker blade and practice on it. One way to get the feel of failure and success in your hands before taking it to your good one.

  5. Use a round, or ball pien hammer, a fairly small one. Set the blade on something solid and flat. A piece or I-Beam or old RR track would be best. It's going to take a while doing it cold. But should stop you from loosing temper on the blade. Just don't wail on it, use taps not whacks. Or you'll wind up cracking the blade.

  6. Ouch! I know that feeling of swinging and hitting something solid. How is your shoulder?

  7. Glad you're getting some rain!. Hit a metal post with that blade? I bet that stung!
