
Thursday, August 9, 2012

So it rained here


Would have been great, tho, if it would have rained this much over a couple hours but this was about 30 minutes worth.

That's OK tho, I'm still having a "canning frenzy", as my friend D calls it. I'm gonna pickle me some peppers and maybe pickle some.. well... pickles.  Does anyone has a favorite "bread and butter" recipe?

Happy Thursday everyone!


  1. We got virtually no rain for most of this year, but have finally started getting a little here and there. Glad you're getting a bunch of canning done!

  2. Congrats on the rain, but I don't do B & B pickles, just dill, zesty and kosher style... Try some green beans pickled, they're yummy!

  3. Yay, rain is almost always good.

  4. Man! we could do with some rain! It hasn't rained this much all year yet with us, I don't think! It would be good timing too as I'm sitting indoors with a foot the size of a watermelon!

  5. I just use Ball's recipe. Glad you got the rain! We're finally getting some sustained rain over the last two days.
