
Saturday, December 15, 2012


I think we could all use some snuggles today. Here is Little Mo and Nicholas snuggling on the couch.

If you look close, Little Mo is sleeping with his little tongue hanging out. Isn't he adorable?

Apparently he was in a snit yesterday because Bitty Boo was stealing the spotlight on the blog. Check out the comments. You know who you are.

And this is what happens when you get your big dog a new bed.....

The cat with the least amount of moxie takes it over. Good dogs. Now Peep - get off the bed!

Let's all just snuggle everyone we love today, OK? We're all in this together.


  1. Little Mo noticed that Nicholas was strutting around the Keep with his chest pumped out and a little extra "wag" in his tail.

    "I told you I was OFG's favorite Mo. Stick with me you might get extra shares of goats milk too - after I've had my fill of course."

    Little Mo thought that Nicholas would be insufferable for a few days. Not only had OFG mentioned him in recent "dispatches" but it seemed the dog repellent that he had the "one eyed crone of a hen with the limp" conjure up was working. He had secretly sprinkled some on one of the posse and the next thing he knew the dogs had lost possession of their new bedding! With all this going on Nicholas had forgotten all about his recent tiff with Bitty Boo.....

  2. Oh what a great shot, cute kitties 2 x!!!

  3. I just wanted to snuggle with my dog today. Until she wouldn't quit barking outside. Found out she had gotten through a gap in the fence into the chicken yard and couldn't get back into the back yard.

    She's had cockleburrs in her coat the last couple of days. Found out she's been sneaking into the chicken yard to eat eggs... Patched the gap and told that dog if she was a chicken, she'd be dinner tonight. She looked up at me with appropriately "sorrow-some" eyes. I looked back at her and that was that. We will speak of it no more. And there will probably be snuggles after dinner -venison and veggies.

  4. Tis a good day to be snuggling. But there is work to be done!
