
Friday, February 22, 2013

Gearing Up for the FTE

Does everyone have their storm preps done? At this writing (Thursday night) the Big Storm of Doom is stretching all the way back to the Dakotas and all the way down to Louisiana. They are already cancelling school - lots of schools.  There is only one thing to do - declare an FTE.

Sooooo much butter and syrup.....

That's right - a French Toast Emergency.  That's when everyone panics and runs out to buy bread, milk, and eggs...everything you need to make french toast.

This was a fabulous breakfast.

It's still my favorite joke. Seriously. My most hilarious friend told me the FTE joke and I can't get enough of it. Or french toast for that matter... and us with all that maple syrup.

The syrup was from our first batch made over the campfire. I added a drop of cream while cooking.

Unfortunately the freezing rain is no joke and we expect up to a quarter inch of ice to coat everything. Hopefully by the time you read this we still have power. The storm should push off by noon on Friday so here's to hoping.

I kinda like an FTE every once in a while. But only for the french toast.

The last time we lost power due to ice we were down for 4 days. We are ready tho. We have our winter storm preps done and we are ready to Defeat the Four Horsemen of Ice Storm of Doom 2013. To make extra sure we went and got another load of firewood earlier in the week. We may end up not using most of it until next year because I'm just sure spring is going to be coming soon... but that's OK. If we end up without power for a while we'll need all that wood to stoke the cook fire so we can have plenty of french toast.

Good Luck everyone! Did anyone else actually make french toast?


  1. No, but I'm going to today to "celebrate" that our power is still on! We got about a 1/2" of ice yesterday. So I made raisin bread. Which would make SPLENDID French Toast. All I need now is some REAL Maple Syrup. Mind driving some down here for me?

  2. rather a non event up here in the urban belt. - 2-4 inches of snow. big whoop. That french toast looks divine!

  3. It is due to increase CO2 levels, blah, blah, blah, Green Ford Tornado coming your way, oceans melting, kansas, toto, whatever.
    My family and I really want snow. but we will not see it due to the tyranny that is Global Warming.
    I want maple syrup as well.
    Once some years ago we went on a 6,000 mile wandering trip with a 1967 Chevy truck, a 1964 Aloha trailer and a 4 year old girl and came home with 2,000 lbs of tractor parts, some rocks, the same 4 year old girl (fortunately) and a pint jar of maple syrup. It was really good maple syrup.

  4. Here in Louisiana we are on the very edge of that big storm. Lucky for us it's just anoying rian. It's not even cold. I'll be thinking of you today. Stay warm and dry! Think I'm gonna take Caroly's idea and make some raisin bread and then make it into French toast!

  5. I love French toast, but I keep forgetting to make it. Oh well, I'll remember one day.

  6. FTE, I like it! That's what I always think when people run out and buy milk, bread and eggs before a storm. Yours looks fabulous!

  7. Carolyn - that would make AMAZING french toast! if you're cookin' i'm bringin' the syrup! :-D

    thanks Dave! glad you got off easy - we feel like we did too.

    Budd, I blame all those cow farts! Hey is that a grand torino....or tornado? ha! good to see you here, brother!

    DOC - glad you are safe! we'd like some of that rain to tell you the truth...

    Hi Horst! Come on down and I'll make you a big ol' plate of french toast. i dont even need an emergency. ;-)

    Robin - i just cant get over that joke. we think its hilarious.

  8. It snowed a bit here and so guess what I had for breakfast? :) We did go out though, only sandwich bread here, not so great for french toast...

  9. yay for breakfast, Nancy! you can always use sandwich bread in a pinch. ;-)
