
Monday, February 11, 2013

What's the word, Nibs?

Hey Nibbles! What's the word - how's that attitude of yours?

There you have it.  Lookin' good, Nibs...  You can't tell from picture but she is thrilled that spring is coming along.

Yesterday the goats were all running and jumping and kicking up their heels. I think they can tell we are "over the hump" and headed toward spring. They had some spring in their step and spent the day meandering around in their yard.

We spent the day gawking at our maple tree taps. The sap was just flying right out of them. By the end of the day we had about six gallons! We'll be cooking that down later this week - I'm super excited.

But um.. here is a weird thing. We tapped a couple trees down past the pond (and the pigz) and we found these scratches on the trees. Sooooo....anybody wanna guess and who or what made them?

I have a feeling this summer our #1 Priority will be to fence off the bond and string up a lot of electric hot wire....and expand the dog's patrol area. 

Happy Monday everyone! Any body else excited that spring is on the way?


  1. How far up the tree were they?They look small maybe bobcat?

  2. I'm torn. I really love winter, and I hate summer, so I feel like if I wish for spring it'll just mean summer is right around the corner! It's hard to not enjoy the springlike temps when we have them though! I'm still hoping for at least one good snow before spring!

  3. Looks like it could be a bear! We have bears around here that mark their place by marking the trees. Ohhhh!!!! Good luck!!!!

  4. I'm excited that the days are getting longer, up here in Edmonton Canada. Spring is a few (3) more months away for us. The scratches could be from a bear, or a large cat.

  5. Are you thinkin BEAR ? Or maybe BIG CAT ? Those are strange marks for sure.... kinda scary ...You have the right idea to fence more. How are the ducks and chickens doin ? Mine are layin better now that we are gettin more sun. Spring can never come soon enough for me !

  6. While spring is indeed coming we are a long way away up here. I'll feel better after March 15th

  7. hey ANF! They were about 4 ft off the ground. I'm hoping it was just a squirrel.

    KG - i'm so over winter...

    SFG - no not a bear! i moved to Ohio b/c it wasnt supposed to have any bears!

    hi Horst! 3 more months! ugh - I'm at my end with being stuck in the house.

    hi Todd! Ducks are duckin', chickens are chickening... and spring can never come soon enough!

    Dave, for some reason that sounds really really far away....

  8. You could always put up a trail cam to see what's hanging around there :) They make some fairly cheap ones that work pretty well.

  9. Tracy - thats a GREAT idea. we want to get one for a couple reasons.. but i hadn't thought of that for this situation.
