
Friday, March 15, 2013

Mine Enemy is Slain

We were victorious yesterday. Mine enemy is slain.

And we had a terrific dinner of extremely fresh pork. It was glorious.

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Wonderful! The work begins...but THIS is worth it! Yummy fresh bacon, hams, sausage, pork mouth is watering...Did you get a tutorial of the process? I SO wish I had someone close to me here, to help do the deed here on the farm. CONGRATS!

  2. Mmmm... Fresh pork. Congrats!

    We still have a hog and a half in the freezer, so we're not doing pigs this spring. Perhaps in the fall. I'm gonna miss the little hoovers. I guess the chickens will get all of our extra produce this summer. :)

  3. A shiny blade inthe foreground and felled adversary in the background.

    A fine day indeed!

  4. one down, one to go, Dave!

    thanks HDA! yes check out my how to here:

    thanks Rae! yep give it to the clucks...or try turkeys?

    Dave, i think its one of my best self portraits
