
Monday, March 4, 2013

Snow Woe

I officially have winter fatigue. I'm sick of the snow and cold. For the last couple of days we've had flurries all stinkin' day. And cold. Real cold. I'm done with the whole lot of it. I have snow woe.

There's only one cure - let's take a minute to remember summer.... 

Remember summer when everything was green and everyone was happy?

You couldnt wait to get outside?

And there were tomatoes everywhere?

The whole world smelled like a spice shop....

Everyone was working....

And it was a like a party everywhere. 

Everyone just breathed in the sunshine and soaked up the spray from the sprinkler....

We need to get back to summer. Be Gone, Winter. Be Gone!

Happy Monday everyone! Let's think about summer today, OK?


  1. I am RIGHT there with you, sister!
    I give a giant sigh when I look out my kitchen window and see the snowy garden.

  2. California dreamin on such a winters day! I am ready for spring...and summer...and sweating out these winter toxins!

  3. I felt like that at the weekend, but this morning Spring arrived here and I feel a lot better.

  4. When does it start getting warm again there?

  5. that's funny, I've been thinking the same thing about summer, its been too hot, too dry and now that it has finally rained there are flies everywhere (biting my cattle), time for some cool weather and lighting the woodstove again :)

  6. Samantha, this long winter is just wearing me down! But we can do this, right?

    HDA - I totally need to get outside and get moving.

    Vera - so glad you got a break in the weather. I'll pop by your blog to see how things are going.

    Amanda - we are about 20* below where we should be. Last year by mid/late March I was planting potatoes.

    Farmer Liz - I was worn out by our summer for sure. But now all I want is a warm day and a million fireflies.

    Exactly, SFG!

  7. Yikes - we're due for 8-10" of snow today bah!

  8. I so needed that... the perfect pictures and words to get me through another winter day.
