
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

First Buzz

I was outside yesterday getting some happy snaps of our fruit tree blossoms when I saw..... the first buzz!

 How great is this!

I think this is one of our girls....

And who doesn't love a little fuzzy buzzy bee butt?
That's our hard workin' beez getting it done!

We are going to have a bang up year for fruit - thanks beez!

Happy First Buzz everyone!

Rurality Blog Hop #11


  1. Yesterday you post sunflowers and now today you publish fruit tree blossoms....don't you know we are getting another 6-12 inches of snow tonight?

  2. You have pretty blossoms in your yard?! I just had about 2 feet of snow dumped in mine! Thanks for sharing the pictures though, I guess it's a promise of what's to come... EVENTUALLY...

  3. wow - so nice to see blossoms on trees. He getting deluged up here. Another 2" rain over night. total at 3.5 for the last 48 hours. I'd love to see a bee. or blue sky, or the sun.

  4. Wonderful macro shots of the bee ~ great for Rurality

  5. Bees are always a welcome sight and they are so photogenic, too! Great shots.

  6. Love this bzzzzy shots... thank you for coming over to share your first time on Rurality Blog Hop... hope you'll come by again!
