
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A few more days left!

Did everyone have a great holiday?  As May winds down remember that there are a few more days left to participate in our support a soldier project!

Thanks for all the terrific feedback that I've received. Everyone was universally excited, and touched, to get emails back from buying Joe a coffee drink. It's the best $2 you can spend.

Special thanks for all the purchases thru my Amazon store this month - wow everyone really has done a great job! I don't get a lot of information about the purchases...but one of you - you know who you are (I don't!) really went above and beyond. Thank you so much!

There is still time to get in on the fun. If you didn't already run right out and sign up with HB's for Care Packages or go to and find a service member to support... or even got off your wallet and spent $2 to buy a Joe a cuppa Joe then there is still time to do some good for someone else. We have a few more days left for you to help support "my soldier" by making a purchase thru my Amazon store!

I get a small percentage of any sale made thru my store and it doesn't cost you one cent extra. It's a great way to participate and it's easy! Everyone needs to buy something this time of year - have a graduate? A birthday party? Need pool, patio, BBQ, garden, or cheese making supplies? Want to watch something from Amazon's Instant Video store?  Just use this link or the black Amazon search both on the right hand side of this page. You can also check out what is in my Tools and Books Store here.

Can't think of anything you need? EVERYONE needs this - have you seen it?

 I'll use any proceeds I get from the month of May to send a care package to "my" soldier. I actually have a couple people I support but one in particular needs some special tools and gear. Doesn't the military provide everything they need? Nope. Read more about how they aren't even providing 3 cooked meals a day here.

No purchase is too small - it all adds up. That online movie or Kindle book can quickly become a snack pack for a soldier who really just needs some breakfast.  The best part about using my Amazon store for this project is that I do all the work - you just order whatever you already need anyway.

We have just a few days left - what do you need from Amazon this week? Click here to get to Amazon's main page and you'll be helping a soldier!

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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