
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Beans and Beets

We got the first baby bean of the season!

 How cute is this little bean-lette?

I can't wait until this bean patch is bursting with bean goodness......

So many beans...

My goal is to can 50 quarts of green beans and to freeze some additional quarts. I'm hoping I planted enough. The beans at the produce actions are going for a pretty penny. But you couldn't pry these lovely beans out of my hands.

But today is really about beets. You know I love my beets. Never again will there be a beet crisis! Note that I didn't even property thin these babies but that's OK. Today they meet their destiny in a pickled brine.

I have my eye on this lovely apple. It's just picture perfect.

Yesterday we had a crazy, fast moving storm blow thru. The good news is that it shook all the humidity out of the air.... the bad news is that we are one big soggy mess. After the last couple days (or weeks really) of constant rain the weeds are almost completely out of control. My war on the weeds starts today. Or tomorrow. I gotta get me some beets canned up.

Happy Thursday everyone! How are your beans? Are you canning yet?


  1. I haven't canned anything from our gardens yet but put up some jam and whole fruit from upick strawberries, cherries, and blueberries. I'm not sure I planted enough beets for canning - I keep eating them out of the ground!

    I have eaten a few handfuls of beans raw in the garden. It's that moment in the season where there aren't enough ripe to cook for a meal or can but just enough for a snack.

  2. Cute! We just made some room in a front flower bed for some bush beans. They're doing well, even if planted late...

  3. Not canning yet - still eating fresh. 50 qts? Holy moly that's a lot of beans!
