
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Potato Harvest

You say potAto, I say potato, but either way it's time to take up those spuds! I'm still working on the potato harvest. This what it looked like yesterday....

It was kind of muddy but I took up 2 big buckets of potatoes. My boots were completely soggy by the time I was finished.

After it dried out I ran the tiller thru these two potato patches and planted beets and beans. Yep! I'm still planting. Have you seen this great "What to Plant Now" over on the Mother Earth News site? It's a great reference to keep your garden going.

I still have several more potato patches to take up - and I'll use those now-improved sites for fall and winter crops. The soil where the potatoes were really benefited from the deep layer of straw that used to mulch in the spuds - and using the pitchfork to turn up the soil while searching for the potatoes really helped my hard, clay dirt.

Today I'll be working on canning up these taters. We have a rain day so that works out perfecting - I can work inside and the beets and bean seeds will get a good soaking.

Happy Saturday everyone! What are you harvesting?


  1. Good job! About how many pounds did you get per row foot!? I need to get out there next week, I think...mine are still green, I will probably wait a bit. I wanted to get more beans and beets in too. :)

  2. I agree about the deep straw mulching. We did that in the potato beds and also in the new potato boxes we tested out this year. Beautiful soil full of earthworms under that straw - and I think we have the same horrible heavy clay you do. We'll be tilling the straw in and letting everything sit for a month and then using the space for fall crops. The weather here in SW Ohio has turned so gorgeous - it really gets you energized to tackle those chores you've been putting off due to the heat and rain. I almost feel like mowing... LOL

    Laura / Utopia Farm
