
Thursday, July 25, 2013


This is what I've been working on this morning.....

 Second turkey pen, same as the first. Ratty old hen for scale.

The second turkey pen is set up and half of the young turks have been installed. There was a lot of pipping and flapping but I think they like it. We hope to have less fighting and more growing with these new accommodations.

It's been like September here since the weather broke - sunny and stunning. This morning it was down to about 53* and low, low, low humidity. I have all the windows open.

I also got a tomato! Open the flood gates and let all that tomato-y goodness flow! This is the first of a small but vigorous crop. I can't wait to have tomatoes for every meal.

Happy Thursday everyone - do you have your second turkey pen set up? Did you get any tomatoes today?


  1. Tomatoes still green but coming along, but did pick a pepper and pulled up a few beetroot, so the harvests are starting to slowly roll in! Hope your turkeys settle in quickly.

  2. strangely enough I have a giant cherry tomato plant growing in the compost and I'm getting more tomatoes now than I did through summer, although I'm sure the frost will kill it soon!

  3. Don't you just love cattle panels!! I know, that was random. First red tomato spotted yesterday by our 2 yr old, he freaked out and started dancing and singing (and then I joined him) haha. Great time of year as the main harvest and preserving begin. When did you plant your taters btw? Ours are still growing, waiting for the tops to die to dig them. 5 little piggies headed our way from David at SPF next weekend, super excited! My wandering rant is now finished. :)

  4. MCF - i love cattle panels so much....
