
Saturday, December 21, 2013

A Few of My Favorite Things...

Wow! I just have to say a special THANK YOU to the folks who have been using my Amazon store to do their Christmas shopping! I never see who buys what but wowza - thank you. Someone (you know who you are) made a big purchase recently and I am really, really grateful.

Our beautiful Peep rests easy in her gratitude for your Amazon store purchases.

How does it work and what can you buy? Anything. Well, anything that Amazon sells - movies, books, ebooks, groceries, garden stuff, toys. You may purchase one of my recommendations or anything you were going to buy anyway. When you use one of my links, that black Amazon search box on the right side of my blog, or just this link I will get a very small percentage of the sale. You purchase like normal and, aside from a code in the URL on the page, you won't even notice the difference. This affiliate program is a great way for folks like me to earn a little money to support our blogs. Every little bit helps.

So for all you who haven't done their Christmas shopping - you are running out of time. To help you navigate all that tricky gift giving I've put together a list of my favorite things to purchase for your favorite farmer.....

1. Buckets...buckets are my favorite thing. You can never get enough buckets. In fact, a couple of my favorite people gave me one of my favorite presents ever - a bucket filled with their farm products. I just loved it.

2. A pair of really good garden shears. I use these for everything.. and you can never have too many. I keep a pair in several locations so they are always at hand and ready for action.

3. Goes with out saying everyone needs an axe (really, a hatchet)....I don't have this one but isn't it beautiful?

4. This is my favorite garden tool - I always have this hoe with me. I like that it's easy to dig a trench with and it can really get in between the rows.

5. Honestly, we couldn't live without our garden trolley. Also known as our  bacon wagon of doom. I use is as a water trolley, moving stuff around the garden, and my favorite use.... hauling carcasses of slain pigz up the hill.

6. You can see my full kitchen list here but on my list of "must haves" I'd include my favorite knife , commercial grade baking sheets,an awesome meat saw, and the Presto 23-Quart Pressure Canner I love so much that I have two of them.

7. I'm always adding to my Book List but if I had to call out a few of my favorites then I'd have to say Ruhlman's  Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing, the astoundingly easy to follow 200 Easy Homemade Cheese Recipes, and the Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving.

8. Has someone been particularly good? Well then, here is a big ticket item that no one can possibly live without...the KitchenAid Classic . Already have one? Then get the grinder attachment.

9. While it isn't the jaw dropping goose pot, I just love my  Le Creuset braiser. If you only get one piece of Le Creuset this is it. I've been trying to break myself of the non-stick habit and this stunner is helping me. Easy to fry up some turkey schnitzel on the stove top then just pop into the oven to finish. This is an excellent piece of masterful cookware.

10. Last but not least.... don't forget a great hat to remind you that life is good

 My favorite hat in action.

Thanks again everyone! Do you have your shopping done? Quick! Give a click and get everything you need. Happy Saturday!

Editor's note: What? More affiliate links to Amazon and another disclaimer? Yep. I'm supposed to make sure all y'all know that these links are part of the affiliate program so you don't think I'm pulling a fast one on you. Remember, anything you buy from Amazon from these links gets me a tiny percentage of the sale. If you like this blog, or if I've helped you at all in your farming efforts, just make a purchase from Amazon from one of the links, my store, or the black Amazon search box on the right side of this page. Thanks! 

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