
Monday, May 5, 2014

Potatoes Popping and More Blooms

We've got rain moving in so I'm typing fast - I'm going to try and get somethings done outside before it gets here. So between the sun just about to come up and the rain not too far away I've got to get this garden party started.

Two perfect apple blossoms.

The good news is that we've got some blooms coming on. A friend reported that another orchard told him that peaches will definitely be off the menu for our area. I haven't seen one bloom on our trees - the cold was just too much for them.

But the apple trees are starting to pop. And the pears are about to set fruit so they will be plentiful.

Come on, potatoes! I have plans for you.

The best news is that the pre-sprouted potatoes that I planted are already starting to grow! We are officially out of canned and frozen potatoes so I'm really looking forward to getting some fresh ones. In fact, I can't wait for some fresh produce of any kind. I don't know about you but I just can't get myself to buy store produce.

Alfalfa is coming up. Free food for goats.

Around here the store produce is horrible - the quality is very low and it's very expensive. When I lived on the West Coast we got fresh and lovely produce from California. But the stuff in the stores here looks like it's been on the truck for a long long time. This always surprises me because we have such good growing conditions - but there is not a lot of food grown here. It's very odd.

These little guys will soon be fulfilling my Mortgage Lifter tomato dreams.

That's one of the reasons I'm so excited about my greenhouse. I'm hoping to extend the growing seasons. For now it's packed.

I'm not sure if the neighbors will be happy about my rototilling at 6:30 in the AM so I'll have to wait before I can do that... but I am going to sneak out and see if I can get a few things planted.

Happy Monday everyone! Are you gardening by flashlight?

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