
Friday, May 30, 2014

They're here. Finally!


They are here... let the picking begin! 

Oh... did you think I was talking about Debbie's babies? Nah.... she's still holding them in. I've decided to just ignore her and see if that works. But I had the Neighbor Gal come and take a look at her just in case and her verdict was the babies will get here when they are ready.

Happy Friday everyone! Are you picking berries or waiting on baby goats?


  1. I am picking between 3 and 4 quarts a day in our little patch. No goat watch here...but we ARE o piggy watch! First week in July. I hope!

  2. My berries are ripening too! I was so surprised since it's been so cool. Have a great weekend!

  3. On pins and needles waiting for the goats!
    You have six babies so you'll have 8-9 or so?
