
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I might have dinged up the mower.....

Yeah so... I might have dinged up the mower pretty good.... The blade is not supposed to bend that way...

 I am the reason we don't have nice things. 

If I can't bang that blade back into shape then I might need a plausible reason why Nicholas was up in the garden using my mower to bushwack those tall weeds. I am not going down for this alone.

 Note: This is what Nicholas does all day. 

Wish me luck, friends. I gotta go find the big hammer.

Happy Wednesday everyone! Are you working on garden clean up and blaming your cat for ruining every piece of machine powered equipment you have?


  1. Bahaha! Been there Sister, been there.....good luck beating the crap out it! And it's obvious that Nicholas is hiding his eyes in shame to me....or is it mirth? Who can say with cats??

  2. what in the sam hill didja hit? a fence post?

  3. oh no! "We" had to replace the blade on the ride-on mower (we = husband) because I kept forgetting to lift up the cutting deck when I went over pot holes in our "lawn" caused by chicken dust bathing! I nearly ended up with a ban on using it, but he doesn't trust me with the whipper snipper either....

  4. Atleast Nicholas isn't freeeeeeezing yet :) I am soooooo cooooold....

  5. Oooh dear! Hope that hammer fixed the prob.
