
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Duck in a truck.

So, this happened the other day....

Nothing to see here... just a duck in a truck.....

This is our limpiest, lamest, little duck. Mostly she just hangs around in the garage and peeps a lot. She doesn't like to be with the other ducks because she is a dwarf variety and they pick on her. Plus she is kind of a goose - she was once brutally mauled by a the lawn mower. I should point out that the mowers wasn't even on.... or moving.... she just got her foot tangled up in it. I can't believe she lived but she did.

So we baby her and make sure she is safe.

She is very adorable.

We had a big rain the other day and the back of the truck filled up with water. So I let her have her own bathtub while I was doing chores. After she splashed around a while I called her over to the side of the truck and a put her down on the ground gently. She peeped and waddled back to the garage to preen.

Happy Tuesday everyone! Do you have a duck in your truck?


  1. No, but we have two darling little hens who have each got one leg pointing in a different direction to their other legs. They get away with a lot of naughtiness, like coming into the house to steal the pig and dog food, and all we do is gently encourage them to go outside. None of the other hens dare come inside because they will be booted out again toute suite!

  2. Aww what a sweet story. :) That's one lucky ducky!

  3. No duck in a truck but hopefully a hen in a pen soon!

  4. Dont you just love the "odd" ones, Vera? ha!

    thanks Amanda... she really is adorable.

    "hen in a pen" should totally be a thing, Cat - so great to see you here!

  5. No duck in a truck, but we do have a drake runner duck who has absolutely lost his mind since his lady started laying, and who tries to kill me on a daily basis. He will barrel clear across the property to vent his rage at my legs and boots. All 4 pounds of him. Gotta admire the guy.

  6. Cottontail... so is that a drake in a rage? Yeah our geese are the ones who have lost their minds right now. The dogs have to help me put them in a nite. #gooserage
