
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

My broccoli is already going to flower!

Drat. The super hot days we had last week are really ruining my broccoli bed.


Last year I had terrific broccoli and really enjoyed the full harvest. Now I'm kind of stuck with small heads that are already separating and going to flower. I cut the first of the broccoli last nite - no one was happier than I was to have real food from our garden on the menu. But the broccoli disappointment is looming.

Planting continues.  I'm glad I held off for longer than I'd hoped because of the few very cold nights we had recently. This week will be cool and much more spring-like.. instead of the super hot and humid weather we've been having. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for summer... I just have a lot of hard work do to before it gets here.

Happy Tuesday everyone - is your broccoli hanging in there? Or has it gone to flower?


  1. I've given up on brassicas because I just can't keep ahead of the blasted cabbage butterfly. I need to get serious with row cover and (maybe?) fall instead of spring planting but, so far, haven't done it. How do you handle the pests?

  2. Here in northeastern Ohio our bok choy went right to flower. And asparagus went really quickly too. I think it also put a lot of stress on some of our cool weather seedlings. We've had a lot more pest problems than usual.

  3. Not yet, only thing ready so far is lettuce, collards and kale. Trying cauliflower for first time this year. Ever grow it?

  4. I just came across your blog via another one I follow. We are in Ohio too.

  5. We weren't going to do a veg plot this year, but now we have, and although planting late I think that we shall catch up because of the chilly weather we are having. Shame about your broccoli though...we can't plant lettuce or spinach because they go to seed too quickly, and onions tend to be iffy as well. In fact it's a miracle that we get any harvest at all given the up and down weather we have here!

  6. The pests are really annoying, Rebecca... i try to grow mine very early and very late to avoid those stupid moths.. and the worms.

    Yep, anon.. while I appreciated the quick warm up... it hasnt been that great for the early veg.

    I think cauliflower is kind of weird, Dave, so nope. But I'll be looking forward to seeing how yours does!

    It's so frustrating doing the work and watching it go right to flower, Vera. ugh!
