
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Stock losses.

* Upon hearing of the terrible stock losses, OFG runs out and counts chickens, goats, and pigz.... *

Poultry is the new currency. We are loaded. 

Every body here is present and accounted for... I dunno what stock losses they are talking about.

There is one casualty tho - as usual Nicholas is sitting around watching the stock ticker.... you know he can't handle it.

Happy Wednesday everyone! No stock losses here. Good luck, suckers!


  1. No stock losses here. There may be "casualties of war" But nothing was "lost" They are in the freezer, right where I left them! ;)

  2. None here either, unless you count my remaining tomatoes that the hens got into this week. Good thing I picked most of them earlier that morning. Between this and the bird flu, I agree with you that chickens are the next currency. But let's not tell them that, else it will go to their heads...

  3. bah - low market means time to buy. Got a nice stash on the canning shelf.

  4. My stock portfolio only consists of chickens at the moment.

    I need to hurry up and move so I can diversify with a cow, goats, and horses (and maybe sheep).
