
Friday, September 25, 2015

Amazon Prime is on Sale! FRIDAY ONLY!

I saw it on the news, I heard about it from a friend, but I did not believe it until I saw the Amazon page myself!  Amazon Prime is on sale TODAY ONLY FOR ONLY$67!Prime is ON SALE FOR TODAY ONLY!

Here is a big ol' banner ad all about it.  See all the fine print. New members only.

How do I love the Amazon Prime.... let me count the ways...... So so soooo many ways. The free two day shipping, all the shows and movies I can watch, and I finally broke down and started using the Prime Music service.

At first I waffled about the Prime membership. I mean, it's normally $99 and that is a big whack of cash all at one time. But they don't offer a monthly payment - so you really do have to sign up for a full year. Then it renews or you can cancel it.  Of course, their customer service is top notch so if you have any problems just ask.

How do I use Prime?

First, we don't have cable...and right now we only get one network channel for part of the day.... so I really take advantage of Amazon's Instant Video service. I watch so many shows you can't believe it. I think I got my $99 worth within two months just by binging on shows I hadn't seen before.

And you know how much I love my Amazon Fire TV. We use it all the time, in fact, it's almost always on. This is how we watch TV "online." Not from cable but on the internet... thru my TV. Isn't that amazing? No more sitting around huddled by to my laptop! Our newer TV was a great day but it was not a "smart TV" that already had online access. So we got the Amazon Fire TV- in fact we got two. The Fri box is upstairs and the Fire TV Stickis downstairs.

One of the things I really love about the Amazon Fire TV arethe apps. Think of them like "channels" that you can watch. My two favorite ones are the "live" CBCN news app and also I prefer the CBS news but we aren't getting that over the air. No problem - I just watch it on their app. And I love for "background noise." They have a SlowTV channel that is usually a beach scene and you can hear the water and everything.

And don't forget you can watch the NetFlix on your Amazon Fire TV- which is fantastic. Between Prime and Netflix we really couldn't care less about network TV.

So, instead of having a $100 or more cable bill each month we think the $99 for one full year Prime membership is a great way to watch TV.

Next, the two day shipping is fabulous. I can't wait until they have drone delivery. But until then the superfast shipping is just like magic. What do I need right now? I need Thai Kaffir lime leaves leaves and a pack of pack of tshirts.

Today is a beautiful day but I need both of these things soon. So either I can waste 45 minutes driving one way into town only  to find out once again that our local stores do not have lime leaves and stomp out mad.... and forget the tshirts. Or I can sit here, make two clicks *click! click!* and then stay home, run the sprinklers, play with the dogs, and keep an eye on our new surprise duckling. Magically, in a couple days everything I need will be delivered to my gate by the UPS guy. Why wouldn't I do that? Easy. Peasy.

And I'm not even using talking about the other benefits like the free Kindle books, photo storage, and special deals on products!

So do I love my Prime membership? Yes, I do!

Here is the thing tho, you have to use it. Someone we know got a membership but never used it. They never watched any movies or shows online, they never had anything delivered, and shockingly they never downloaded any of the free Kindle books. So...... they thought it was stupid. If you don't use it then it doesn't make sense.

But if you want to ditch your cable, save time by not driving into town, and get tons of free books and music.. then you really want to check this out. You can get Amazon Prime right now ON SALE. What a great deal!

Sign up is super easy. If you aren't sure, then try the 30 days for free and see what happens. No one is going to be mad if you opt-out. And hey what a fun freebie - just watch all the TV your brain can handle and then cancel the membership before it hits your credit card.

Do you know someone who needs a present? You can give them Amazon Prime as a gift - how great is that?

But click quick because this is only for today, Friday and is only for new members. I absolutely can't say enough about how great  Amazon Prime is and how much I use it.

Happy Friday everyone! Do you love Amazon Prime? How many ways?

Editors note: Why am I talking about this? Because I LOVE Amazon Prime...and  I get a tiny portion of the sale when you click on one of the links, go to the Amazon page, and purchase something. It can be anything - this book, movies, or something you need from Amazon anyway.  Do you need anything Amazon? You can support this blog by just clicking one of these links. Or using the black Amazon search box on the right side of this page. It doesn't cost you once cent more but helps me with the "cost" of this blog. If you like this blog, or if I've helped you at all in your farming efforts, just make a purchase from Amazon from one of the links, my store, or the black Amazon search box on the right side of this page. Thanks!


  1. This is something I need to check in to. Can you watch your "regular shows" I LOVE Big bang Theory.....or is it only movies? What about Survivor?? Ax men? I NEED these! LOL I don't get to watch too much TV, but I DO TVO my favs, to watch later.

  2. Ha! Yep you can get some of these on Amazon - the best way is to look for them. For instance, we really liked a show called Dark Matter that was on the SyFy channel... we just waited for it to be released on Amazon. That one we had to pay for but another show - Orphan Black - was free on Prime but you had to wait until the season was over...and then you could watch all of it at one time.
