
Thursday, November 12, 2015

An amazing example of farm charcuterie

I saw this amazing series of pix on the Imgur the other day. Someone created an amazing example of farm charcuterie for a party and posted the pictures. Incredible!

If you go to the comments in 'the Reddit' he talks about some of the processes and what he is working on. The detail in the comments of the album of pix in 'the Imgur" provides a lot of information on each of the dishes. I absolutely want to be this guy's friend (if you are out there, ellipses1, I'll be pals with you!). What a terrific spread!

One of the things he said was that he started off with using Ruhlman's Charcuterie but then he found some other books to help him process his home grown meat. I just had to get his book list out there - just in case, you know, someone *looks at husband* wants to get me some birthday presents or something.

First up In The Charcuterie: The Fatted Calf's Guide to Making Sausage, Salumi, Pates, Roasts, Confits, and Other Meaty Goods.  which as been on my wishlist for a while. What a beautiful book! 


 If you click on the "look inside" link you can see some of the pages. I'm especially interested in making lardo... which is cured pork fat.

I'm already a huge fan of Hank Shaw so his book, Duck, Duck, Goose: The Ultimate Guide to Cooking Waterfowl, Both Farmed and Wild is also on my list. If you on my 'the facebook' feed you know that I follow Hank's group, Hunter Angeler Gardener Cook which focuses on wild game and foraged food. You also know that he did a crowd funding for his next book, Buck Buck Moose... which is a hilarious title..and will focus on venison.  I'm very excited about this.

One of the best things about growing your own meat is that you really really want to use every bit of it - from "nose to tail' as they say. So these kinds of references are really important to really getting the full food value from your meat. Even if you don't have your own livestock you can usually find these meat bits - just ask your local butcher if they can order a pork belly or whatnot for you. Or look around for a "custom butcher" in your area.... or for your local farmer.

Happy Thursday everyone! Do you have some other book recommendations for all that meat?

Editors note: Check it out - there are affiliate links on this page. What does that mean? That if you buy something from Amazon then I get a tiny portion of the sale. It can be anything - one of these books, movies, or something you need from Amazon anyway.  Do you need anything Amazon? You can support this blog by just clicking one of these links. Or using the black Amazon search box on the right side of this page. It doesn't cost you once cent more but helps me with the "cost" of this blog. If you like this blog, or if I've helped you at all in your farming efforts, just make a purchase from Amazon from one of the links, my store, or the black Amazon search box on the right side of this page. Thanks!


  1. Porchetta is "on the list." Hank is very approachable - he even answers emails!

  2. Feeling ignorant, what does one do with lardo (cured pork fat)?

  3. i dont think it is ignorant, Anon, i think it's a good question. i've usually seen it as a spread for on toast or crackers. something about the curing process makes it very savory, as i understand.

  4. I have Duck, Duck, Goose. LOVE it!! Not only is it a gorgeous cookbook, but it’s almost like a textbook for anyone interested in cooking these birds. It covers everything from hanging and parting up to the differences in breeds and what that means for you in the kitchen. I cannot recommend it enough, in fact it sits out on our coffee table. Thanks so much for the heads up on the new book! I also signed up for his newsletter.
