Dogs in snow. Saturday morning when it all started.
Pretty much it snowed most of Saturday and then Sunday morning was in the 20*'s. However by the time we did evening chores I didn't even need a jacket. Then the rain started. What a goofy spring we've been having.
In the meantime I've been working on a variety of inside projects. We had to unplug the stove yesterday and now the kitchen is in total disarray. Chaos is actually a better word. So our big idea was to get a bucket of KFC so we wouldn't have to cook anything for dinner. Ha!
We are such goofs. Instead of getting "the $20 bucket of chicken" we inadvertently asked for the "20 PIECE bucket of chicken."
I'm not gonna lie... this is a lot of chicken. We laughed hilariously as they handed us the huge bag of fried chicken-y goodness. As there is just two of us it was even worse. We mighta tried to mumble about "all the other people" who were coming over to eat at our fried chicken party.
Guess what I'm having for breakfast, lunch, dinner and then who knows tomorrow?
Happy Monday everyone! Did it snow where you live? Did you end up with an inordinately large amount of fried chicken?
No chicken. Lots of cold rain. In positive news, made those canning lid pies. Made the Accountant happy.