
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

So much for reducing our poultry numbers....

Yeah, so..... this happened.
Hello, baby! (click to zoom this pic)

I dunno what happened.... but I completely lost control of the hen house and now we have a new swarm of peeps out there.

I just can't even. 

I don't know what happened.....but I had a lot of explaining to do....

But hey! New peeps are fun so there is that...

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Do you have surprise peeps?


  1. I have baby ducks due today under one of my hens! Nothing yet but I've gone out to look a gazillion times. Three eggs looked good as of the weekend. If nothing hatches I'll make an emergency craigslist plea for a couple day olds.

  2. We had a surprise hatching of nine chicks a few weeks ago. It's not a good time to have chicks around because of the crows and magpies predating on them, so we have had to keep them penned, which we don't like doing. We had decided not to increase the flock until the chicken project was done, but the hen thought otherwise!
