
Monday, March 17, 2014


And so it starts.... the mud season. I am not complaining but I am going to be spending part of the day loading out this 1.14 ton of gravel.

Talk about a ton of fun!

Of course it's the classic conundrum.... do I wait until it warms up enough to work outside comfortably? Or run out there while it's all still frozen and I don't have to slog thru the mud. It's a pickle for sure.

Either way - I'm sure that this really was our last... LAST... bout of cold. I hope. Dang I am tired of this winter.

Happy Monday everyone - did you get a load of gravel over the weekend?


  1. my back hurts just looking at it

  2. We got more snow today! Ugh! Did you get any of it? Farmer John has spread several tons of gravel on our lane and parking spaces. And, this weekend we worked on digging some ditches to divert water run-off from the hill. Is it summer yet??

  3. No gravel but its funny because at this end we are saying "bloody hell im sick of this summer".

    Being married to an Aspie and having a 17 yr old son who is an Aspie, my life is full of complaints, about everything. So i am positive, positive, positive which drives them mad.

    I just thank God that i am alive and well, have a job, that my family are safe, that i live in Oz and that God watches over us.

    Shhhh....I do love autumn and spring though.

  4. Truckloads of gravel are in our future, very, very near future.

  5. I still have three yards of gravel left over from last year sitting out back. I guess it's still waiting for the right project.

  6. My arms were killin' me, Dave...

    Hi Mollie! we did a great ditch digging project a while ago. YOu'll love it when its done.

    Great to see you Lynda and YES! I'm so glad God has His hand on us too.

    Sooo much gravel, Anton....

    Left over gravel, Laura, I.. I just dont have any idea what that would mean....... ha!
