
Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall Kitchen Garden - its all about the greens.

Its all about the greens this fall.

I'm thrilled that my kitchen garden, just steps from the door, worked out. I have lots of kale and swiss chard within easy access.

And I think its kind of pretty with all the colors. That's purple basil in the front left and a butternut squash on the right under a jungle of swiss chard.

I've been sauteing bacon and greens for breakfast - topped with an egg and finished with grated cheese. Its a great meal that I'll be enjoying all fall. Along with some baked applesauce, of course.


  1. Nice and colorful vegies!

    I am reading this at 6 am our time, and feeling v hungry for some breakfast!

  2. Hi Grandpa! I love it when you stop by! Enjoy that vacation and keep sending pix!

  3. I wish our garden was closer to the house. I love the pictures, you really do have a lovly kitchen garden. It is 5:29 PM here and you are making me hungry too.:)

  4. Hey Mr. H! Yep its a breeze to step out for herbs and such. I ripped up some "yard" to put in the kitchen garden.. but who am I kidding? No grass! More garden! Isn't that we we gardeners do? Whoot!

    How funny that you and Grandpa are 12 hours apart!

  5. That breakfast sounds great!
    Beautiful pictures of your kitchen garden. My garden is miles away from my kitchen, but it works somehow...
