
Monday, April 29, 2013

Hidden Treasure

Remember when we found that apple tree down in the bramble?  Guess what - I found another....

It's in the flat part of the property below the turkey house. I've been working on trying to clear this area out for pasture. I'm finally ahead of the the game but it's slow going.

This poor little tree was all tumbled down and bent over - but it was bursting with blooms.  I'll be working on cutting it free from the scrabble pines and vines.

I hope it makes it - what lovely blooms.

In other news.... I might have broken the good mower while using it inappropriately as a brush cutter. Don't tell my husband. In all fairness I told him I needed him to rent me a walk behind brush hog. I say nothing more about this.

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. I hope the apple tree survives, and he should have gotten you a bush hog.

  2. LOL. I have 'killed' several push mowers by expecting them to mow whatever I pushed them over. We have some tough areas to mow here but seriously, nothing I thought the mower couldn't handle. *sigh*

    from one Ohio farmgirl to another!
