Ohiofarmgirl's Adventures in The Good Land is largely a fish out of water tale about how I eventually found my footing on a small farm in an Amish town. We are a mostly organic, somewhat self sufficient, sustainable farm in Ohio. There's action and adventure and I'll always tell you the truth about farming.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Technically the mud IS better than the snow and ice.....

But working outside yesterday was pretty much of the list because the mud made everything a big soupy mess.

We'll have a few nicer days then back to the deep freeze later in the week. But if I can, I'm going to see what I can get done outside today.

Happy Saturday everyone! Do you have your mud boots on?


jhausmann100 said...

I know what you mean about the mud. Yuck. We have had so much rain in the last couple of weeks it literally filled up the pond to just about overflowing. Sun was shining today. I got a lot done also. Hope you make it through the next freeze with out much hassle.

Vera said...

We know all about mud here, both inside and outside the house. It is not nice stuff! Can't get the animals out on to the fields because their feet will chew up the remaining grass, and can't do anything with the veg garden because the ground is like glue. The floors of the house always have muddy foot prints and boot prints on them, and often actual clumps of mud are to be found. Not to worry, I tell myself, we are living on a farm!

Unknown said...

It's dry here, and 57! Freakishly warm. I'm going to go do a quick wash of my back house windows....

Mollie @ Jennings Brae Bank Farm said...

I think I have the same boots! It seems like whenever we have so much mud, we wish for cold temps and snow. This winter we have been so buried that we wish for the mud! I sure hope Spring is in sight.

Ohiofarmgirl said...

hey Mollie! thanks for stopping by! arent you just so sick of the cold and mud!?!?

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