I was lucky to find flats of veggies on sale for just $8 this weekend. This is one of the weird things about Ohio - they seem to want to rush the season and then all of the gardening seeds, plants, and supplies just .... disappear. It's kind of like no one wants to do mid-season or fall planting. I'm not sure why this is - but it's why I grab up all the seeds I can while they are available. Last year there was not one Blue Lake green bean seed to be found when it was actually time to plant.
This year I'm much more wise to the limited seed availability game and I'm much more organized. In fact, I've turned to my favorite gardening book. It's by John Jeavons
One of the thing he offers in the book is a garden map of what to plant where (taking advantage of companion planting and crop rotations)... but even better it provides a week by week guide to what seeds to get started and when to plant the seedlings. He provides tasks and a seed starting schedule by weeks before the last frost... what to plant after the last frost... and then what to do before the first frost in the fall. It's really terrific.
Jeavons' plan
Even better than having a plan this book is teaching me that, now that I have my greenhouse, starting seeds in trays is really helping. Previously I've just tried to direct sow seeds but I'm really learning that starting them in trays is a better strategy especially with my bad soil.
The greenhouse keeps everything warmer and I can control the amount of moisture so even with the extra step of transplanting the seedlings... I think I'm further ahead.
We got a good soaking rain last nite and this morning so I won't be able to work in the garden. But today is a perfect opportunity to work in the green house. I'll be starting more trays of veggies including carrots, spinach, and more lettuce.
Thanks John Jeavons for such a terrific gardening book!
Happy Monday everyone! Are you starting seeds in trays? How is your garden growing?
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I wonder why they don't have mid season seedlings here either. They just disappear after the spring plants are gone. Like you, if I want summer to fall plants I have to do it myself. And that is just around the corner. I love spring but man oh man it keeps me busy. We've not planted a fall garden here yet but this the year we start.
Happy Planting,
P.S. I don't comment much because I hate the word verification process. I personally think its a bit much. Of course that's just my opinion!
No problem Sci! But I laughed... the next comment was spam. Plus you'd be surprised at what real people say :-/ So yeah.. I'm keeping the verification. But join us over on 'the facebook' to be chatty - we'd love to hear from you.
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